Export Queues

This topic describes the different infotiles displayed on the Manage Exports page of the Export Queue tab.

Export Queue

The following infotiles are displayed on the Manage Exports page:

  • All Exports: This infotile displays the count of active, completed, and unsuccessful exports submitted by all users. Click to see the exports created by all the users and in all possible statuses.

  • Active Exports: This infotile displays the count of exports submitted by all users that are either in progress or in queued status. Click to see the active exports created by all the users.

  • My Completed Exports: This infotile displays the count of exports submitted by the current user that are either successful or failed with warnings or errors. Click to see the completed exports created by the current user.

  • Unsuccessful Exports: This infotile displays the count of unsuccessful exports submitted by all users. Click to see the unsuccessful exports created by all users.

Note: The export activity records appear in the queue for thirty days, after which they're removed. The exported ZIP files and diagnostic files are removed from the server on the 7th day of the export.

Export Details

You can view more details about the exports on clicking the infotiles. The following details about the export are displayed:




The name of the export job. Click to go to the Export Status page.


The object exported.


The status of the export job. For more information about the statuses, see the topic How You Monitor Export Activity in the related topics section.

Start Time

The start date and time of the export.

End Time

The end date and time of the export.

Submitted By

The user who submitted the export.

Exported data file

The link to download the exported data file in ZIP format.

You can filter the export using any of the columns in the preceding table. You must select the filter value from the Search drop-down list and enter the criteria in the adjacent text box.