Guidelines for Editing Hierarchies and Hierarchy Versions

While editing a hierarchy, you must decide whether you want to edit the existing version of the hierarchy or create a new one.

The changes you make to the existing version become active immediately, but the new versions of a hierarchy become active only on the date on which the hierarchy becomes active.

Edit Active Hierarchies

When you edit the existing version of a hierarchy, the changes are saved instantly and are available to users even as you edit them. However, you can't cancel any changes while editing existing hierarchy versions.

Two ways to deal with the changes while editing active hierarchies are:

  • You can render hierarchies inactive before you edit them. Once you have made your changes, you can change their status to active again.

    Note: The hierarchy isn't available to users while it's inactive.
  • You can create a new hierarchy version and set it to be active the next day. Thus, while the existing version is active, you can make your changes to the new version and activate it the next day.

Edit Merged Hierarchies

The merge process consolidates the duplicate parties and updates the hierarchies to which these parties belong. If the updates to the hierarchies done by the merge process aren't as expected, then edit the updated hierarchies in the Manage Hierarchy Types task.