Example of Importing Contracts Using Hierarchical Import

You can use Import Management to import objects with complex hierarchies and relationships, such as Territories, Contracts, and Subscriptions. The hierarchical import feature helps you to import a hierarchy of objects.

You can set up a parent-child hierarchy of objects, define the CSV files to import for each hierarchy node, start, track, and monitor the status of the overall import job. This example explains how to import Contracts hierarchical data using hierarchical import. Following is the schematic of object hierarchy:

  • Contract

    • Contract Line

    • Contract Party

      • Contract Party Contact

Import Contracts Data

To import the Contract object, its children Contract Line and Contract Party objects, and the Contract Party Contact grandchild object using hierarchical import:
  1. Click Tools > Import Management > Create Import Activity.

  2. On the Enter Import Options page, select the parent Contract object, enter the import name, and select the source CSV file for Contract object. For more information about creating an import, see the topic Import Data.

  3. Click the Import Object Hierarchy link. Now you can see the object hierarchy for Contract, showing the child and grandchild objects. Select the Enabled check box for the objects you want to import. For this example, select the check boxes for Contract Line, Contract Party, and the Contract Party Contact objects in that order.

  4. Select the CSV file for each of these objects and click Next.

  5. On the Map Fields page, the application tries to automatically map the target attributes to the source file attributes for each object. For the attributes that couldn't be mapped, you should map manually by clicking the Save As button. You can see the mapping information for child objects on the subsequent tabs. After mapping each object attribute, click Next.

  6. After reviewing the import information on the Review and Submit page, submit the import.

  7. On the Manage Imports page, you can see the status of import for parent, child, and grandchild objects in the form of tree structure.

  8. You can verify your contracts after import completes by navigating to Contract Management > Contracts.