Manage Hierarchical Import Templates

Hierarchical import templates contain import object hierarchy and advanced import job configurations that you can reuse every time you create an import.

Hierarchical import template is a CSV file that contains information about the import activity such as import object name, object hierarchy details, and advanced import configurations. This topic describes the various options to manage these templates.

Why use Hierarchical Import Templates

Templates have the following benefits:

  • They are useful while creating hierarchical imports. You can reuse the template file every time you create an import with the same object hierarchy and import configuration.

  • You can easily migrate the templates from one environment to another.

  • Administrators can create a set of templates that can then be downloaded and reused at multiple sites.

Create Hierarchical Import Template

To create a template file:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Import Management > Import Configuration > Manage Template > Create Template.

  2. On the Create Template page, provide the template summary information such as name, object details, and the description.

  3. Select the import object from the Object drop-down list and click the Import Object Hierarchy link to select the object hierarchy. Select the Enabled check box for each object to import. You can select the child objects under the parent hierarchy only after selecting parent object.

  4. Select the advanced options for your import and click Save and Close.

Upload Hierarchical Import Template

You can upload the templates to use them across environments. For example, you might want to download the template from one environment, and upload to another environment.

You can upload a template file in CSV format using the Upload Template button on the Manage Template page.

Edit Hierarchical Import Template

To edit an existing template:

  1. On the Manage Template page, click the template number link for the template to edit.

  2. On the Template Summary page, you can change the object in the hierarchy by selecting the Enabled check box.

  3. After making any desired changes on the page, click Save and Close.

Copy, Download, or Delete a Hierarchical Import Template

To copy, download, or delete a template:

  1. On the Manage Template page, click the template number link for the required template.

  2. On the Template Summary page, under the Actions menu, you can find the options to copy, download, or delete your template file.

  3. If you want to copy a template, click Copy Template. A copy of the currently selected template is created and the template name is prefixed with the text 'Copy of'. Make any required changes to the template name, description, and advanced import options. Click Save and Close.

  4. To download a template file, click the Download Template option from the Actions menu. You can save the file as a CSV file to your directory.

  5. To delete a template, click the Delete Template option from the Actions menu. Only the user who created the template can delete it.

Import Using Hierarchical Import Template Files

To create an import activity using a template file:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Import Management > Import from Template.

  2. The Template Summary section shows the list of available templates for use, along with the top-level import object. When you select a template, the Hierarchy Objects section shows the object hierarchy for the template.

  3. Select your template and click Continue with Template. On the Enter Import Options page, your object hierarchy is preselected and the advanced import configurations are already selected for you. If required, you can change these configurations for your import.

  4. Upload the CSV files for your selected objects and click Next.

  5. Provide the mapping information for your import on the Map Fields page.

  6. Review your import details on the Review and Submit page, and submit. For more details on creating an import, see the topics Example of Importing Contracts Using Hierarchical Import and Import Data.