Overview of Global Functions

The global functions for the integration are defined in the following Groovy script files:

  • O_INT_GetLogMsg.groovy

  • O_INT_GetSysParam.groovy

  • O_INT_AddMultiValueCriteriaItem.groovy

  • O_INT_ApplyFilter.groovy

  • O_INT_Debug.groovy

  • O_INT_Error.groovy

  • O_INT_FindRowByKey.groovy

  • O_INT_GetLogMsg.groovy

  • O_INT_GetRecordCount.groovy

  • O_INT_GetRecords.groovy

  • O_INT_EBS_GetSysParam.groovy

  • O_INT_Info.groovy

  • O_INT_Log.groovy

  • O_INT_LogMessage.groovy

  • O_INT_Warn.groovy

The content of the Groovy files must be entered into Oracle CX Sales using the Application Composer. Before setting up global functions, create a sandbox and activate it. For more information, see the Create and Activate Unified Sandboxes topic.