Add an Attribute to the Partner Inquiry Page

In this example, let's look at adding the Job Title field to the partner inquiry page. The Job Title field (JobTitle) is a standard attribute of the Lead object.

In VBCS, complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to Web Applications > partnerfinder > Flows > partner-finder > partner-finder-profile.

    This is a screenshot of the values to select to update the partner-finder-profile flow.
  2. Click the Variables and Types icon (x) > Types tab > LeadType.

    This is a screenshot of the values to select to add a new field to the LeadType type.
  3. Add the Job Title field (JobTitle) to the type (LeadType) which is used for partner inquiry.

    This is a screenshot of manually adding the Job Title field to the LeadType type.
  4. Click the Designer icon, then the Code button, to add the new field to the partner inquiry section (part of the partner profile page). Add this code:

         <oj-input-text id="odps-pf-profile-contact-form-jobtitle" label-hint="[[ $ ]]" value="{{ $variables.newLead.JobTitle }}" display-options.validator-hint="none" >
    This is a screenshot of adding the new field to the partner inquiry section.
  5. Add the new field label to the string repository file using this code:

        "contactform_jobtitle_placeholder": "Job Title",
        "@contactform_jobtitle_placeholder": {
            "description": "Contact form jobtitle place holder"
    This is a screenshot of how to update the string repository.
    This is a screenshot of how to add the Job Title field name to the string repository so that it can be referenced within the application.
  6. Click the Play icon to run the application to verify the change.

    This is a screenshot of the Play icon in VBCS.
  7. Verify the change. Notice that the Job Title field is now included in the partner inquiry page.

    This is a screenshot of the final result of adding a new field to the partner inquiry page.