Set Up the APPID User

Use this topic to set up the APPID user for your Partner Finder application. The APPID user is required in situations where anonymous users need to access services from Oracle CX Sales, such as REST APIs that are restricted.

The APPID user is required for searching and viewing partner details and creating partner inquiries.

To set up the APPID user, you must:

  1. Create the Partner Finder APPID role.
    Note: You can use any custom role name and role code.
  2. Create the APPID user, and assign the newly created role to that user.

Note: For testing purposes, you can optionally use any existing CX Sales user who has access to search for partners in the Workspace UI, view partner details, and create leads. But, before going live with your Partner Finder application, complete the steps in this topic to ensure that the APPID user has the minimum privileges required.

1. Create the Role for the APPID User

You must create a job role with required privileges for the Partner Finder and then grant it to the new APPID user. Use this task to ensure that the APPID user doesn't have more privileges than required.

Once you complete this task, you must complete the next task, Create the APPID User, to create the APPID user and assign the newly created role to that user.

To create the role for the APPID user:

  1. Sign in to Oracle CX Sales.

  2. Navigate to the Security Console work area and click the Roles tab.

  3. Click Create Role.

  4. In the Role Name field, enter a name for the role.

    Note: You can use any custom role name and role code. Just be sure to assign this role to the APPID user that you create, described in the next section.
  5. In the Role Code field, enter a code.

  6. From Role Category list, select CRM - Job Roles.

  7. Click the Next .

  8. Click the Privileges tab.

  9. Click Add Function Security Policy.

    The Add Function Security Policy dialog appears.

  10. In the Search field, enter each of the following security policies, then click Add Privilege to Role:

    • View Partner (ZPM_VIEW_PARTNER_PRIV)

    • View Partner Profile (ZPM_VIEW_PARTNER_PROFILE_PRIV)

    • Create Sales Lead (MKL_CREATE_SALES_LEAD_PRIV)

  11. Click Cancel to close the Add Function Security Policy dialog box.

  12. On the Function Security Policies page, verify that the privileges that you added are listed, then click Next.

  13. Create the View All Partners security policy:

    1. Click Create Data Security Policy.

      The Create Data Security Policy. dialog appears.

    2. In the Policy Name field, enter the following text:

      View All Partners

    3. In the Database Resource field, search for and click the following resource, then click OK:

      Trading Community Party

    4. In the Data Set list, select Select by instance set.

      From the list of instance sets, select Access the trading community organization for table HZ_PARTIES for all organizations in the enterprise with usage partner.

    5. In the Actions list, select the following options:

      • Read

      • View Partner Organization

      • View Partner

    6. Click OK.

  14. Click the Summary step.

  15. Click Save and Close.

    A dialog appears, confirming the role changes.

  16. Click OK.

2. Create the APPID User

Once you have created the role for the APPID user, you must create the APPID user, and assign the role to the user.

To create the APPID user:

  1. Sign in to Oracle CX Sales.

  2. Navigate to the Security Console work area and click the Users tab.

  3. Click Add User Account.

  4. Enter the values in the required fields.

  5. Click Add Role.

    The Add Role Membership dialog appears.

  6. Search for and click on the the role you created in Step 1.

    Note: You created this role in the previous section, Create the Role for APPID User. If you used your own custom role name when creating the role, then search for and select that role name.
  7. Click Add Role Membership.

    A confirmation dialog appears.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Complete the same steps 6-8 for these additional roles. These roles are required to create leads from partner inquiries:



  10. Click Done.

  11. Click Save and Close.

Note: If you want the Partner Finder application to create leads from partner inquiries, then you must also do the following:Alternatively, if you first create the user (and associate it with a business unit) using the Create User page, then you can skip the steps listed above in the Create the APPID User procedure. Just be sure to navigate to the Security Console and associate the user with the Partner Finder APPID role that you created in the Create the Role for the APPID User procedure.

You can create APPID users to have a different password expiry policy. Doing so ensures that the regular password expiry rules don't apply to APPID users. To do this, you can create a different user category for the APPID users.

To create a category for the APPID user a with a different password expiry policy:

  1. Sign in to Oracle CX Sales.

  2. Navigate to the Security Console work area and click the User Categories tab.

  3. Click Create.

    The User Category: Details page appears.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Enter a name in the User Category Field.

  6. Click Save and Close.

  7. Click Password Policy.

  8. Click Edit.

  9. Configure the fields for the APPID user password expiry policy.

  10. Click Save and Close.