CRM - CRM Service Request Summary


Analyses built using this subject area enable customer service managers to obtain a complete picture of service performance, as it relates to interactions, compliance, and knowledge article usage. The analyses built serve to expand the real-time reporting of service interactions, by providing additional summary metrics and prebuilt reports. Similarly, SR compliance analysis delivers a comprehensive view of SR milestone attainments and compliance. Managers can gain visibility into the diverse factors affecting compliance, identify patterns for a better understanding of this key area of help desk performance, and take corrective action. Managers can also understand agent usages of knowledge articles in SRs and their impact for faster help desk request issue resolutions.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Service > Service Requests

Time Reporting

This subject area reports historical data.

Time dimension is linked to CRM - CRM Service Request Summary."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Open Date" or CRM - CRM Service Request Summary."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Close Date" or CRM - CRM Service Request Summary."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Resolution Date" depending on metric used with the date.

Transactional Grain

Service Request

Special Considerations

1. Interaction metrics in this subject area consider 'Parent' interactions only for calculation purposes. 2. Run the following scheduled processes as needed for initial data load and subsequent refreshes: 1. Aggregate Service Requests 2. Refresh Service Categories for Reporting 3. Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI 4.Reporting Hierarchy Generation