Service - CRM Service Request Conversation Messages Real Time


Customer Service agents use internal conversations to communicate with other agents and subject matter experts. Analyses built using this subject area help users understand the extent of collaboration through such conversations, and lead to further analyses such as: Do they exhibit a pattern? Are agents overly reliant on subject matter experts? If so, is there scope for their own skill upgrade/training?

Visibility into message details helps agents follow up with message recipients. Analyses of conversation metrics provided out-of-the-box in context of entities such as service orgs, service request categories, business units, and products yield powerful insights that help managers during staffing and resource deployments.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Service > Service Center > Service Request > Start Internal Conversation

Time Reporting

This subject area reports historical data.

Time dimension is linked to Conversation Message Sent Date: Service - CRM Service Request Conversation Messages Real Time.Time.Date.

Transactional Grain

Service Request Message Recipient

Special Considerations

Run the following scheduled processes for initial data load and subsequent refreshes: 1. Refresh Service Categories for Reporting 2. Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI