Service - CRM Service Request Lifecycle


SRs go through a life cycle, from the point they are created up until they are resolved, and finally closed. Service personnel are interested in keeping this life cycle short while attempting a timely, quality fix to issues. This subject area helps building analyses that helps keep a close watch on the SRs, finding outliers and taking corrective steps pro-actively to avoid customer escalations and potential SLA violations. Useful measures such as actual time spent by an agent on an SR, customer wait times, SR duration with specific queues and assignees and number of queue transfers provide the much needed insight into potential issues before they reach crisis proportions. The ability to analyze these measures in relation to key information of an SR (Criticality. Category, Channel etc.) together with surrounding entities such as Agent, Account, Channel and Product make the analyses even more powerful.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Service > Service Requests

Time Reporting

This subject area reports historical data.

Time dimension is linked to Service - CRM Service Request Lifecycle."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Open Date" or Service - CRM Service Request Lifecycle."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Close Date" or Service - CRM Service Request Lifecycle."Service Request Secondary Dates"."Resolution Date" depending on metric used with the date.

Transactional Grain

Audited change to SR

Special Considerations

1. Auditing should be enabled on Service Request Object 2. Run the following scheduled processes as needed for initial data load* and subsequent refreshes: (a) Execute Incremental Load of SR Audit Data for Reporting (b) Unlock Scheduled Process that Incrementally Loads SR Audit data (as necessary) (*Only SRs created in the current partial and the previous full calendar months are loaded initially)