Considerations for Changing the Source of Contract Terms

Depending on the contract, its status, and your privileges, you may be able to change the contract source by selecting the Change Contract Source action on the Contract Terms tab, for instance by replacing the current contract terms template with another.

You can use this action to do the following:

  • Switch templates

  • Replace the contract terms in the application with an attached file

  • Replace the contract terms attached in a file with those in another file

  • Replace the contract terms attached in a file with those from a contract terms template

Switching Templates

Switching templates by applying a different template removes all of the contract terms applied from the old template, including any that you may have edited and changed into nonstandard clauses. The application moves any standard clauses you added or any nonstandard clauses you created from scratch to the Unassigned section. The Unassigned section, which is created automatically, doesn't appear in the printed contract. You must move any clauses from the Unassigned section to other sections if you want them to be part of the new contract terms.

Note: If you're switching templates in Oracle Fusion Purchasing or Oracle Fusion Sourcing contracts, then you can retain contract terms deliverables by selecting the Retain All Deliverables option.

Replacing the Contract Terms in the Application with an Attached File

You may need to attach the contract terms to replace the contract terms in the application, if you're editing the contract terms in Microsoft Word and there are too many changes to import back into the application. When you change the contract terms source from a contract terms template to an attached file, the application removes all of the contract terms and contract documents. You can select the Retain Structured Terms for Reference option to include the contract terms in the contract deviations report, contract terms validation, and clause analysis.

Replacing One Attached File with Another

When you change the contract terms source from one file to another, the application deletes the old file if the file name is the same. If the new file name is different, then the application preserves the file you're replacing in contract Documents.

Note: The old file is not preserved in Oracle Fusion Sourcing because negotiation documents don't include the Documents tab.

Replacing an Attached File with a Contract Terms Template

When you replace an attached contract terms file with the terms from a contract terms template, the application retains the file for reference on the Documents tab except in Oracle Fusion Sourcing where the file is deleted.