Examples of Creating a Contract Template

The Manage Contract Templates task in the Contracts work area provides several ways to create a contract template. The following examples illustrate these options.


Duplicating an Existing Contract Template

You can duplicate a contract template from an existing contract template. The duplicate template will be for the same business unit, legal entity, contract type, and currency as the original template. In addition, you can choose to retain party and line information from the existing contract template.

To duplicate an existing contract template, select the Duplicate action either from within an existing contract template on the Edit Contract Template page or from the Contract Template search area on the Manage Contract Templates page. The contract template that you are duplicating can be in Draft, Active, or Expired status. Specify the new template number in the Duplicate Contract Template window. This action creates a new contract template in Draft status.


Creating a New Contract Template

Select the Create Contract Template action from the contract template search area on the Manage Contract Templates page. Specify the business unit, legal entity, contract type, template number, and currency on the Create Contract Template window. To create contract templates with lines and line items, you must have selected the required item master. This action creates a new contract template in Draft status for which you can perform the following tasks:

  • Add and edit parties and party contacts

  • Add and edit contract lines


Saving a Contract as a Contract Template

You can select the Save as Contract Template action either from within an existing contract on the Edit Contract page or from the contract search area on the Manage Contracts page. This creates a new contract template with the existing contract attributes for business unit, legal entity, contract type, contract intent, amount, and name. If you also chose to retain party and line information from the contract, the item master is copied over to the contract template from the contract. You can then edit most of these attributes on the template; the exceptions are business unit, legal entity and contract type.

The new contract template is created in Draft status and is effective from the date of creation. In this new version of the contract template, you can make the standard edits including edits to the following information:

  • Effective and expiration dates

  • Item master

  • Party and party contacts

  • Lines


Creating a New Version of a Contract Template

You can create a new version of an existing contract template by selecting one of the following:

  • The Create New Revision action from within an expired or active contract template on the Edit Contract Template page or from the Contracts Search area on the Manage Contract Templates

  • The Create a New Version action from within a draft contract on the Edit Contract Template page or from the contract search area on the Manage Contract Templates

This action creates a new version of the existing contract template in Draft status that is displayed along with the original contract template in the Contract Template History page. All the original contract template attributes are copied over to the new version.

In the new version, you can then edit the following, if required

  • The effective and expiration dates

  • The item master

  • The committed amount

  • Party information

  • Line information

You must then activate the new version or revision to make the template available for creating contracts.