Contract Terms Library Clauses

You can create different types of clauses for different uses and use clause properties to specify if a clause is protected from edits by contract authors, mandatory, and related to or incompatible with other clauses.

A clause you create in the Contract Terms Library is available for use within the business unit where you create it after it is approved.

The types of clauses you can create include:

  • Standard clauses

  • Clauses included by reference

  • Provision clauses for contracts with a buy intent

Using different clause properties you can:

  • Make a clause mandatory in a contract.

  • Protect it from edits by contract authors.

  • Specify that a clause can be selected by contract authors as an alternate of another clause.

  • Specify that the clause cannot be in the same document as another clause.

  • Make a clause created in a global business unit available for use in other business units.

Creating Standard Clauses

Any clause you create in the library becomes a standard clause that can be used in the business unit where you create it after it is approved. Unless you specify that the clause is protected, contract authors can edit the clause in a specific contract. Any edits they make are highlighted in a clause deviations report when the contract is approved. Similarly, contract authors can delete the clause from a contract, unless you specify the clause is mandatory.

Including Clauses by Reference

For clauses, such as Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), you can print the clause reference in the contract instead of the clause text itself. During contract creation, you enter the reference on the Instructions tab of the clause edit page and select the Include by Reference option.

Creating Provision Clauses for Contracts with a Buy Intent

For contracts with a buy intent, you can create provision clauses, clauses that are included in contract negotiations but are removed after the contract is signed. Provision clauses are used primarily in Federal Government contracting.

Altering Clause Behavior with Clause Properties

Using different clause properties, you can alter the behavior of a clause. You can:

  • Make a clause mandatory.

    A mandatory clause is highlighted by a special icon during contract terms authoring and cannot be deleted by contract authors without a special privilege. You can make a clause mandatory for a particular contract terms template by selecting the Make Mandatory action after you have added the clause to the template. A clause is also become mandatory if it is added by a Contract Expert rule and you have selected the Expert Clauses Mandatory option in the template.

  • Protect it from edits by contract authors.

    A protected clause is highlighted by a special icon during contract terms authoring and cannot be edited by contract authors without a special privilege. You can protect any clause by selecting the protected option during clause creation or editing.

  • Specify that a clause can be selected by contract authors as an alternate of another clause.

    You can specify clauses to be alternates of each other on the Relationships tab of the create and edit clause pages. When editing contract terms, contract authors are alerted by an icon that a particular clause includes alternates and can select an alternate to replace the original clause.

  • Specify that the clause cannot be in the same document as another clause

    You can use the Relationship tab to specify a clause you are creating is incompatible with another clause in the library. The application highlights incompatible clauses added by contract authors in the contract deviations report and during contract validation.

  • Make a clause available for use in other business units.

    Clauses you create in the library are normally available only within the same business unit where you create them. If you create the clause in the business unit that is specified as global during business unit setup, then you can make the clause available for adoption in other business units by selecting the Global option during clause creation or edit. This option appears only in the one business unit specified as global.