How Contract Terms Library Supports Translation

You can set up your contract terms library to handle the translation of clauses, templates, and other content in multiple languages.

This topic discusses the features included in Enterprise Contracts that support translation, making it possible for you to

  • Indicate a localized clause is a translation of another

  • Manage contract terms template translations

These two features are only a small part of a translation solution, however. The rest of the setup is very much open-ended. For instance, when you have different business units that operate in different languages, you can use the adoption and localization feature of contracts to keep separate libraries in different languages. Alternately, if you are using only one business unit, you can create separate numbering or naming schemes to keep the content in multiple languages separate.

Indicating a Localized Clause is a Translation of Another

If you have set up the multiple business unit structure that supports clause adoption and localization, you can use the localization feature to translate clauses. The global clause you create in the global business unit becomes the clause you are translating from.

To translate the global clause:

  1. Localize it using the localize action.

  2. Enter the translation on the Localize Clause page. The Localize Clause page displays both the original and translated text.

You can indicate the localized clause is a translation-only clause by selecting a check box. This check box is for informational purposes only and can be used to generate reports.

Note: Unlike contract terms templates, clauses have no language field that tracks the language of the clause.

Tracking Contract Terms Template Translations

For each contract terms template you can specify the template language and the template it was translated from, if it is a translation.

Note: The language setting on templates is only informational; there is no automatic translation abilities.
The Translations tab in the contract terms template edit page shows all of the templates related by translation. All of the templates listed display the source template in the Translated From column, except for the source template which leaves this column blank. In this example, you can tell the English template is the source template for the French, Chinese, and Japanese translations because there is no entry in the Translated From column.For instance, if you translate an English template into French, Japanese, and Chinese, then each of the templates lists the translations as shown in the following figure.
This diagram shows the translation relationships between four contract terms templates, three of which are translations of the English template.

To manage the translated templates, you can search for all of the templates in a particular language and for all templates translated from a specific template.