Overview of Terms Library

This overview provides a brief summary of the key components of the Contract Terms Library and how an administrator can configure them. The Contract Terms Library contains terms templates that you can use to insert boilerplate terms and conditions into contracts during contract authoring.

This library contains individual sections, clauses and variables. Each clause, which is usually a single paragraph, contains text that specifies a set of legal terms. Clauses make up contract sections, which are then assembled to create a terms template or a contract's terms and conditions. Variables are used within a clause to insert information into the contract terms from a sourcing document. Finally, contract expert rules are made up of questions and responses that drive clause selection, terms template selection, and business policies and standards. A user must be assigned with the Business Practice Director (OKC_BUSINESS_PRACTICES_DIRECTOR_JOB) job role to access the Contract Terms Library to set up terms and clauses.