
You can use variables in the Contract Terms Library to represent information within individual clauses and for use within Contract Expert rule conditions.

Your application comes with predefined variables, called system variables. You can create additional variables, called user variables, with or without programming.

Note: While creating variables, you must use only single space between the variables. Also, don't use any characters or symbols that are part of HTML syntax (such as double quotes, less than (<), greater than (>), ellipsis) in the Variable values.

Predefined System Variables

Your application comes with predefined system variables that you cannot modify. These include:

  • System variables

    These variables make it possible for you to use information that is entered in integrated procurement, sales, and projects applications. For example, you can use the purchase order amount from procurement contracts or the payment terms from sales in Contract Expert rules that insert additional clauses to a contract as necessary.

  • Deliverable variables

    These variables permit you to list the titles of contract terms deliverables within a clause in the contract terms. For instance, if a supplier must deliver a monthly quality report as part of the contract terms, you can create a deliverable to ensure compliance. But creating the deliverable does not automatically print that deliverable in the contract terms. To ensure that the deliverable name is printed, you must include a clause with the appropriate deliverable variable inserted.

  • Table variables

    Table variables make it possible for you to print in a contract all of the values in a list such as a price list. Table variables are available only in sales-intent contracts.

To obtain a list of the predefined variables and the information that they represent, navigate to the Search Variables page and filter your search on the Variable type. Select the Document Association tab to view the application and document where the variable information originates. Alternately, you can search for variables by document type.

User Variables

You can create the following types of user variables:

  • Manual

  • Java string

  • Java table

  • Descriptive flexfield

  • Object

  • Child object