What's the difference between setting up multiple alternate clauses and one with a variable?

This topic also includes the advantage and disadvantages of setup methods.

There are two ways of setting up alternate clauses:

  • You create multiple separate alternate clauses

  • You create just one alternate clause and include variables to supply the different variants

This table highlights the differences between the two setup methods:

Setup Method



Multiple Alternate Clauses

  • You can use clause analysis to track usage of the clause and its alternates

  • One-step selection: Contract authors select the clause from a list.

  • Language of the alternate clauses you create can vary.

  • Must create and maintain a large number of clauses.

  • Authors are restricted to the alternates you create.

  • Authors may have to search for the clause they want if there are many.

Single Alternate Clause with Variables

  • Permits you to create and maintain just one alternate clause.

  • Supports unlimited number of alternates.

  • Two-step selection: Authors select the alternate and then run Contract Expert to fill in the variable values.

  • Language of the alternate clause cannot change. The only difference is the information supplied by the variables.