Overview of Managing Partner Leads

Channel account managers can use the Leads UI pages to assign leads to the partners who are best qualified for the leads, and track the progress of the lead.

They can also convert the lead into a deal registration (if the channel organization offers deal registration) or an opportunity. The leads available to channel account managers may come from territory-based assignment, rule-based assignment, or a combination of both.

When a channel account manager assigns leads, the primary partner contact for each partner receives notification of the lead assignment, so that the partner contact can accept or reject the leads.

Channel account managers can assign partners to a lead by:

  • Changing the lead owner to a specific partner user or contact in the Edit Lead page.

  • Changing the partner to a specific partner account. In this instance, the partner's primary contact is automatically assigned to the lead (added to the team).

  • Using the Assign Partner action in the Leads list (landing) page to select and assign a partner account to the lead. In this instance, the selected partner is set as the primary partner and the partner's primary contact is added to the team.

From the Leads list (landing) page, channel account managers can perform the following actions on individual or multiple leads at the same time:

  • Assign partners to leads

  • Reassign leads

  • Accept or reject leads

  • Score and qualify leads

  • Retire or reopen leads

  • Convert leads to opportunities

Partner users and channel account managers can also mark their favorite leads using the Add to Favorites icon on the Edit Lead page.