View a Partner's Channel Territories

To better understand the focus areas of a partner, channel managers must be able to see the channel territories that are assigned to a partner account.

Partner Administrators can view the territories assigned to their account instantly so they can better focus their effort on deals pertaining to those territories.

Channel managers and partner administrators can use these steps to view the channel sales manager territories that are assigned to a partner account.

  1. Sign in with your channel manager or partner administrator credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management, and click Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner you want to view channel territories for.

  4. On the Edit Partner page, click the Team subtab.

  5. In the Show field on the Team page, select Territories.

    The Team page updates to display a list of all channel sales manager territories assigned to the partner.

  6. To ensure you're viewing the most recent list of assigned channel sales manager territories, you can select the Assign Territories action from the Actions menu.

    This action runs automatic territory assignment. After the territory assignment process finishes, you see a confirmation message and the list of territories updates to display the most current list of channel territories that are assigned to the partner.