Partner Deal Registration Management

Channel account managers can use the Deal Registration UI pages to manage deal registrations for their partners.

This topic discusses the following:

  • Channel Account Manager List Views

  • Approving, Rejecting or Returning a Partner Deal Registration

  • Resolving Duplicate Partner Deal Registrations

  • Partner Deal Registration Approval Information and Approval History Region

  • Creating a Partner Deal Registration

  • Editing a Partner Deal Registration

  • Partner Deal Registration Expiration

Channel Account Manager List Views

Channel account managers use a springboard page for direct access to deal registrations submitted by their partners and to view lists of deal registrations relevant to their role. These lists only display columns pertaining to the tasks channel account managers perform, so they can quickly view and respond to deal registrations awaiting their approval without needing to manually enter a search each time.

Both channel account managers and partner users can access the Deal Registrations page by clicking the Deal Registrations icon on their desktop. Both channel account managers and partner users see the same preconfigured sort for all Deal Registration lists - Submitted Date descending (oldest to newest submissions). Both see the same preconfigured Deal Registrations table column layout. Both see the same preconfigured saved search run on the Deal Registrations page. However, channel account managers can view and edit a deal registration's details by clicking the deal registration number on their list view, and they can also perform searches using default search attributes, including:

  • Partner

  • Partner Contact

  • Record Set

  • Deal Registration Name

  • Registration Status

  • Submitted Date

  • Last Updated Date

  • Account Name

  • Contact Name

  • Opportunity Name

  • Deal Expiration Date

  • Deal Registration Number

Approve, Reject, Return, or Withdraw a Partner Deal Registration

If the deal registration approval workflow has been configured for the channel account managers to be the approvers, then channel account managers can approve, reject, return, or withdraw (if the channel manager is the submitter) a deal registration. The following table explains what happens when a channel account manager takes each of these actions.

Action Taken

What Happens


If the channel account manager is the last or only approver for the deal registration, the status changes to Approved. The status remains Pending Approval if the channel account manager isn't the last approved for the deal registration.

If the deal registration isn't already associated with an existing opportunity, the deal is converted to a new opportunity upon final approval. Conversion to an opportunity doesn't take place if the deal registration is associated with an opportunity, either through the Opportunity field of the deal registration, through resolving duplicate opportunities, or through the Deal Registrations tab for an opportunity.

If the deal registration was approved by mistake, the channel operations manager or other users with administrator rights can revert the status of the deal registration to Pending Approval by resubmitting the deal registration.


From their list view, channel account managers can select one or more rows in any list that contains deal registrations pending approval and reject all of the selected deals. If a deal registration is in Pending status, channel account managers can also reject it by selecting the Reject action from the deal registration's Edit page.

Channel account managers can provide a rejection reason and comments about why the deal registration was rejected.

The rejected deal registration no longer appears in lists of deal registrations in any status other than Rejected.

If the deal registration was rejected by mistake, the channel operations manager or other users with administrator rights can revert the status of the deal registration to Pending Approval by resubmitting the deal registration.


From their list view, channel account managers can select one or more rows in any list that contains deal registrations pending approval and return all of the selected deals. If a deal registration is in Pending status, channel account managers can also return it by selecting the Return action from the deal registration's Edit page.

Channel account managers can provide a return reason and comments about why the deal registration was returned.

The returned deal registration no longer appears in lists of deal registrations in any status other than Returned.


A channel manager can withdraw a deal registration if the channel manager submitted the deal registration on behalf of a partner. After the deal registration is withdrawn, the channel manager can resubmit it for approval.

Resolve Duplicate Partner Deal Registrations

Before approving a deal registration in Pending Approval status, channel account managers can first check for potential duplicate accounts, contacts, and opportunities on the Edit Deal Registration page. By reducing duplicates, channel account managers can maintain clean customer data, prevent channel conflict, and accurately reward the first partner to register the deal.

If duplicates are detected, the channel account manager sees a list of possible duplicate record types, followed by a table showing which one is currently used on the deal registration. The channel manager reviews the possible duplicates and can either select an existing account or contact, or continue to use the current account or contact on the deal registration. The channel manager can also associate the deal registration with an existing opportunity, or choose to create a new opportunity upon approval of the deal registration.

To check for duplicates:

  1. Sign in as a channel manager.

  2. Click Deal Registrations.

  3. On the Deal Registrations list page, open a deal registration that's pending approval.

  4. Click Actions, then Check for Duplicates.

  5. On the Resolve Duplicates page, view the list of possible duplicate accounts. Select an existing account or continue to use the current account on the deal registration.

    Expand the suggested account to see which attributes from the suggested account match the current account. Attributes that are compared include account name, organization type, organization size, and address.

  6. Next, the Resolve Duplicates page displays a list of possible duplicate contacts. Select an existing contact or continue to use the current contact on the deal registration.

    Expand the suggested contact to see which attributes from the suggested contact match the current contact. Attributes that are compared include the contact's first and last name, job title, email address, and telephone number (including country code and area code).

  7. Finally, the Resolve Duplicates page displays a list of existing opportunities, one of which you might want to associate with this deal registration. Associate this deal registration with an existing opportunity or create a new opportunity once you approve this deal registration.

    To find potential existing opportunities, these opportunity attributes are searched for: account, status, primary contact, primary partner, and close date range.

Note: The opportunity attributes used to find potential duplicates can't be changed. Account and contact attributes, however, are specified in Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) rules, which you can modify if needed. To learn more about EDQ, see "Overview of Duplicate Identification" in the Related Topics.

View Deal Registration Approval Information and Approval History

On the Approvals subtab of the Edit Deal Registration page, channel account managers can view the approval information and the approval history for a submitted deal registration, so they can see who approved or rejected the deal registration and at what stage in the approval workflow.

When a deal registration is in Rejected, Pending Approval, Approved, or Returned status, channel account managers can see the following information:

  • Submitted By: Name of the user who submitted the deal registration.

  • Submitted Date: Date on which the deal registration was submitted.

  • Approved/Rejected/Returned by: Name of user who performed the Approve, Reject, or Return action.

  • Approved/Rejected/Returned Date: Date on which the Approve, Reject, or Return action was performed and registration status changed.

  • Rejected/Returned Reason: Reason codes selected for the Reject or Return action.

  • Rejected/Returned Comments: Comments entered during the Reject or Return action.

Once a deal registration has been submitted, channel account managers can see the deal registration's approval history, including:

  • Stage: the workflow description

  • Date: the date the event occurred

  • Approver: the user or users who were assigned the approval task in the workflow

  • Status: the status of the deal registration at this stage in workflow

Create a Partner Deal Registration

Channel account managers can create a new deal registration for one of their partners in situations where the partner doesn't have access to the channel organization's applications to register a deal. Channel account managers ensure that the partner receives the deal registration benefits and channel account managers also provide visibility to the partner's pipeline.

When creating a deal registration for a partner, the channel account manager can:

  • View and update header information

  • View and update customer information, such as: account, contact, and address information

  • Select a partner for the deal registration

  • Specify the partner type

  • View and update product information

  • Save and close the deal registration

  • Save and continue editing the deal registration

  • Cancel the deal registration

Channel managers who are able to create deal registrations can use the Copy action on the Edit Deal Registration page to use an existing deal registration as a template when creating a new deal registration. If you have Read Only access to the deal registration, you can't use the Copy action. Your sales administrator must first use Application Composer to expose the Copy action on the Edit Deal Registration pages before you can see it.

When you copy a deal registration:

  • You can copy all exposed standard attributes, including all header attributes, Product table information, and Deal Team members.

  • You can copy all custom attributes of the object that's being copied.

  • The status of the new copied deal registration is Draft.

  • You become the Owner of the new deal registration.

  • You can only copy the Deal Team Members which you have security access to.

The following objects aren't copied:

  • Attachments

  • Activities

  • Notes

  • Territories

  • Approval History

  • Custom child objects

Note: The Copy action doesn't appear for SOAP and REST Web Services.

To use the Copy action:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Navigate to your deal registrations.

  3. Search for and select the deal registration you want to use as a template for your new deal registration.

  4. From the Actions menu, click Copy.

  5. In the confirmation message box, click Yes.

    The Edit Deal Registration summary page appears with a new deal registration number.

  6. You can make further edits to the copied deal registration before saving it.

Edit a Partner Deal Registration

Channel account managers can review and edit deal registrations they created on behalf of a partner or deal registrations submitted for approval by their partners. Channel account managers must validate that the deal registration meets their company's criteria for approval before converting it to an opportunity.

Channel account managers can edit a deal registration's details from their list view by clicking the deal registration number. On the deal registration's Edit page, channel account managers can take the following actions:

  • Approve the deal registration

  • Reject the deal registration

  • Return the deal registration

  • Save and close the deal registration

  • Cancel updates and close the deal registration

Channel account managers can edit information on the following deal registration tabs:

  • Summary: view and update customer information, such as account, contact, and address information

  • Team: manage the deal registration visibility for internal resources or partner resources

  • Activity: view and manage activities

  • Notes: edit notes

Partner Deal Registration Expiration

To gain better visibility of deals that partners aren't able to close, channel account managers can configure the deal registration status to change to Expired when a deal has exceeded the expiration period of 90 days from approval date.

Once a deal registration has been approved, channel account managers can see and change the expiration period for a deal registration in the Expiration Date field. The preconfigured value is 90 days after the approval date. The partner receives a notification that the deal registration expires soon. The preconfigured value is 30 days.

When the expiration date passes and the opportunity associated with the deal registration hasn't closed, the deal registration status changes to Expired and the associated opportunity's Registered status changes from Yes to No. The partner receives a notification that the deal has expired. The partner can't reopen or resubmit the expired deal registration and must create a new one.