Overview of Deal Registrations

Deal registration is the process partners use to request exclusive rights to a deal from their channel organization.

This process provides partners with the means to inform the channel organization about a deal, and by being first to register that deal, the partners receive priority for the opportunity if their deal registration is approved. Deal registrations are less speculative than leads, but more speculative than opportunities.

Channel managers can use the Deal Registration pages to more easily manage their deal registrations and partners can register deals with their access to the channel organizations applications.

Partners can register deals and these submitted deal registrations are routed to channel sales managers for approval. In turn, channel sales managers can reject or return deal registration requests to partners, asking for additional information and justification. Before approving the deal, the channel sales managers can check for duplicate opportunities to avoid channel conflicts. Once a deal registration is approved, an opportunity is automatically created to track it in the pipeline. Channel managers can decide when to add a partner opportunity in the forecast. If a deal registration is approved or rejected by mistake, users with administrator rights can revert the status of the deal registration from Approved or Rejected to Pending Approval by resubmitting it.

If any account or contact associated with the deal registration is purged, then the reference to the account or contact is removed and the attribute is blanked out. In such cases, you can select new accounts or contacts only if the deal registration is editable.

Partner users and channel managers can also mark their favorite deal registrations using the Add to Favorites icon on the Edit Deal Registration page. For more information, see "Overview of Favorites" in the Implementing Sales guide.

This topic covers the following:

  • Deal Registration Process

  • Deal Registration Benefits

  • Deal Registration Roles and Associated Actions

Deal Registration Process

A partner can create or accept a lead, then convert the lead into a deal registration. Partners can also create a deal registration directly (without starting with a lead). The deal registration goes through an approval process with the channel team. Once the channel team approves the deal registration, the partner gets priority for the deal and has a set period of time (on a case-by-case basis) to close the sale. During this time other channel members, or even the channel organization's own sales team, aren't allowed to work the deal. If the time period expires before the partner can close the sale, the channel team can give the opportunity to another partner or to its internal sales team.

Deal Registration Benefits

Deal registration lowers the chance of channel conflict, which is a situation where channel partners compete against one another, or compete against the channel organization's internal sales department. With deal registration, partners can work with a client without having to worry about another company trying to offer the same product at a lower price. Some brand owners and channel organizations also offer to help partners in the selling cycle, and deal registration lowers the chance of the channel organization taking the lead once the partner has brought them into the discussion. Even with deal registration in place, a channel organization may occasionally give a lead to another partner or to its internal sales team, such as when the lead requests another partner.

Deal Registration Roles and Associated Actions

It's helpful to know which job roles are responsible for what actions in the deal registration life cycle. When both internal and external resources are added to the equation, this knowledge becomes even more crucial.

The following table shows the job roles and the deal registration actions allowed, including the specific actions permitted for the partner job roles and the specific actions permitted for the channel job roles.



Partner Sales Representative, Partner Sales Manager, and Partner Administrator

Create a deal registration and submit it for approval.

Partner Sales Representative, Partner Sales Manager, and Partner Administrator

If you're the submitter of the deal registration, you can withdraw the deal registration if it's still in pending approval status.

Partner Sales Representative and Partner Sales Manager

Edit a deal registration if they're on the team with full or edit access and the deal registration is in draft, return or withdrawn status. The partner attributes on the deal registration become those of the company the partner user belongs to and these attributes can't be changed by the partner user. However, a channel account manager or channel sales manager can pick or change the partner company when they're creating or editing a deal registration.

Partner Sales Representative and Partner Sales Manager

View deal registration product details if they're a resource on the deal team and they have view, edit, or full access.

Partner Sales Representative and Partner Sales Manager

Edit, add, or remove deal registration product details if they're a resource on the deal team with edit or full access, and the deal registration is in Draft, Returned or Withdrawn status.

Partner Sales Representative and Partner Sales Manager

View deal registration team details if they're a resource on the deal team and they have view, edit, or full access.

Partner Sales Representative and, Partner Sales Manager

Edit deal registration team members if they're a resource on the deal team with edit or full access.

Partner Sales Representative and Partner Sales Manager

Edit, add, or remove deal registration team members if they're a resource on the deal team and they have full access. Partner users can only add resources that belong to their own partner company.

Partner Administrator

View or edit all deal registrations belonging to the partner company the administrator works for. Partner Administrators can also view or edit the Team tab and products section.

Partner administrators can also revert the status of an approved or rejected deal registration to Pending Approval by resubmitting it to allow correction of any submissions made in error.

Partner Sales Representative, Partner Sales Manager and Partner administrators

Add or modify notes, activities and add team members to the deal team regardless of the status the deal registration is in.

Channel Sales Manager and Channel Account Manager

Have all the functional privileges as the Partner Sales Representative and Partner Sales Manager. They can also approve, return, or reject a deal registration if they're a designated approver for the deal registration. They can do a duplicate check on the deal registration, they can convert a deal registration to an opportunity, and they can access the social tab.

Sales Administrator and Channel Operations Manager

Have all the privileges as the Channel Sales Manager, but they have access to all deal registrations in the enterprise. Their update and manage capabilities are restricted based on the deal registration status, however, they can see all deal registrations even if they're not on the sales team or territory.

Sales administrators and Channel Operations Managers can also revert the status of an approved or rejected deal registration to Pending Approval by resubmitting it to allow correction of any submissions made in error.

All roles

Mark a deal registration as their favorite.