Monitor Synchronization Statuses

Use the Microsoft 365 Monitor to see the sync statuses of all active users of the add-in. Along with viewing the users, you can also control synchronization activities.

Monitor Sync Activity

  1. Sign in to the Sales application as a setup user.
  2. Outside of a sandbox, navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.

  3. Navigate to Productivity Applications Setup > Oracle Sales for Outlook.
  4. Click the Microsoft 365 Monitor button.

The Microsoft 365 Monitor shows these information cards:

  • Last Sync Failed

  • Never Synced

  • Last Sync Succeeded

Information Card Name

What It Shows

Last Sync Failed

Shows the number of users whose data from the add-in didn't sync with the sales application in the most recently run sync job.

Never Synced

Shows the number of users whose data from the Microsoft 365 add-in never synced with the sales application, from the time the add-in was installed.

Last Sync Succeeded

Shows the number of users whose data successfully synced from the add-in to the sales application.

Application Permission Details Shows whether application permissions are enabled for the customer. If permissions aren't enabled, it shows "Not Enabled". If permissions are enabled and the application permission token is authorized, it shows "Active". If there's an error, it shows "Inactive" and gives a link to the error. Clicking on the link shows a box with the error info. When application permissions are inactive, the sync uses the delegated permissions to process the sync for users who are Microsoft authorized.

Click any of the information cards to show details about each card:

  • Last Sync: Shows the last sync status.

  • User: Shows the user name in the Sales application.

  • Microsoft 365 User: Shows the user email address in Microsoft.

  • Last Sync Start: Shows the start time of the last sync.

  • Duration: Shows the total duration of the last sync.

    Note: Total duration includes Microsoft 365 duration, Oracle Sales duration, and also the time taken by any additional internal processes.
  • Oracle Sales Authorized: Shows a checkmark if the user's credentials or token were active during the sync.

    Note: The Oracle Sales Authorized column might show a failed icon if the Sales token refresh failed. This can happen if the Microsoft 365 Token Refresh Job scheduled process run for a long time. When you see a failed icon, ask the user to sign in to the add-in again.
  • Microsoft Authorized: Shows a checkmark if the user's Microsoft credentials or token were active during the sync.

    Note: If the Microsoft token refresh failed, the Microsoft Authorized column might show a failed icon. This can happen if the Microsoft 365 Token Refresh Job scheduled process hasn't run for a long time. When you see a failed icon, ask the user to sign in to the add-in again.
  • Using Next Gen: Signifies that the user is using the Oracle Sales Next Gen add-in for Microsoft 365.


You can perform these actions for a single user or for several users:

  • Suspend Sync: Suspends an ongoing synchronization.

  • Disable Sync: Disables future data synchronization. If you want to resume the synchronization, select the same users and select Enable Sync from the Actions menu.

  • Delete User: Deletes user details from this table. Note that this doesn't delete the user from the Sales application. See Manage User Mappings for more information.

  • Update User Credentials: Lets you update a user's Microsoft email address and the Sales application user name. See Manage User Mappings for more information.

  • Export: Lets you download user details as a .csv file.

User Details Page

Click a user name in the table to go to the user details page.

User Sync Summary Region

The summary region of the page shows:

  • Name: The user name and email address of the user. The user name is the one stored in Sales. The email is the one stored with Microsoft.
  • Status: Shows the status for:
    • Microsoft Authorized: Shows a checkmark if the user's Microsoft credentials or token were active during the sync.
      Note: If the Microsoft token refresh failed, the Microsoft Authorized column might show a failed icon. This can happen if the Microsoft 365 Token Refresh Job scheduled process hasn't run for a long time. When you see a failed icon, ask the user to sign in to the add-in again.
    • Active:
    • Sync Enabled: If you have manually disabled the synchronization for a user, the status appears as Sync Disabled.
  • Conflict Resolution: Shows the Conflict Resolution settings.

Transaction History Region

The Transaction History Region displays details of syncronization activities for the user, including:

  • Result: Shows whether the sync failed or succeeded.
  • Transaction Number: Shows the sync process number. Each time the sync runs, it has a different transaction number.
  • Sync Start and Sync End: Shows the start and end times of the sync.
  • Microsoft 365 Changes: Shows the number of records that were changed in Microsoft.
  • Microsoft 365 Duration: Shows how long the sync took in Microsoft.
  • CX Sales 365 Changes: Shows the number of records synced in Sales.
  • CX Sales 365 Duration: Shows how long the sync took in Sales.
  • Conflicts: Shows the number of records with conflicts.
  • Using Next Gen: Signifies that the user is using the Oracle Sales Next Gen add-in for Microsoft 365.
  • Actions: Available actions include:
    • Disable Sync: Disables synchronization for the user.
    • Delete User: Deletes user details from this table. Note that this doesn't delete the user from the Sales application.
    • Update User Credentials: Lets you update a user's email address that's stored with Microsoft and the Sales application user name.

    • Enable Debug Logs: Use this option if Oracle Support or another Oracle representative asks you to supply debug logs.
    • Run Full Sync: This option runs a full sync for the user.