What should I do if the client secret expires?

If the client secret expires, the sync process stops working and users won't be able to sign in to the add-in.

For example, when you set up the application in Microsoft Azure, you set the client secret to expire in 12 months. Twelve months later, the client secret will expire. When this happens, you'll need to generate a new client secret and configure it in Oracle in order for the sync and add-in to continue to work.

If the client secret has expired:

  1. For the application with Microsoft Azure, generate a new client secret in the application:
    1. In Microsoft Azure, go to App Registration and select the app for this integration.
    2. Go to the Certificates & secrets page, Client secrets section.
    3. Click New client secret to generate a new client secret for the application.
  2. Copy the client secret value to the setup page in Application Composer: Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer > Productivity Applications Setup > Step 1.

    All users will need to re-sign into the add-in to continue to use the add-in, as well as for the sync to proceed.

Note: Oracle recommends that you update the client secret before it expires, so that users don't need to re-sign in to the add-in and so that there's no disruptions in sync.