Set Up the Integration in Application Composer

To complete the setup for the integration, go to Application Composer. Note that you don't need to enter a sandbox.

  1. Sign in to the Sales application as a setup user.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.
  3. Navigate to Productivity Applications Setup > Oracle Sales for Outlook.
  4. In the Add-In Registration page, enter a Display Name. This value is the name of the add-in that users see in Outlook.
  5. Next, enter the values that you got from the Set Up the Application in Microsoft Azure step:
    • Application (client) ID
    • Secret value: Remember, this is a value you enter when you do the setups in Azure; it's not a generated ID.
    • Directory (tenant) ID
    • Microsoft Domain Name: You can find this in the Azure Active Directory, Overview page. Sign in to Microsoft Azure, go to the Microsoft Entra ID; this launches the Overview page. Copy the Primary Domain value from the overview page.
      Important: If you have multiple email domains for your tenant, mark the application as multi-tenant. To mark it as multi-tenant, go to your Microsoft Azure application and go to App Registrations. Click on the app you created. Select Authentication. Under Supported Account Types, select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant).

    This image shows an example of the Add-In Registration page with the fields you need to enter.

    Example of the Add-In Registration page with the fields you need to enter.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Download the manifest file: Click the Download Manifest button and save the file for later use. You'll use the manifest file in Deploy the Add-In in Microsoft.
  8. Click step 2 in the train to continue to set up the data synchronization settings for the integration. See Review and Modify Data Synchronization Settings for more information.