Review and Modify Data Synchronization Settings

As part of your setup, you need to review the data synchronization settings and make changes as needed.

Note: The actual synchronization is accomplished by processes you schedule in a separate step (see Run Sync Scheduled Processes). Selecting the options described here only enables the processes to do their jobs.

To review and modify your initial synchronization settings:

  1. Sign in to the Sales application as a setup user.
  2. Navigate to the Sync Configuration page. See How to Get to the Sync Configuration Page for more information.
  3. On the Sync Configuration page, select the options for appointments, contacts, tasks, and emails. For detailed explanation of these options, see Overview of the Sync Between Sales and Exchange and the related sync topics for each of the objects.
  4. Save your changes.

This table summarizes the sync areas and their purposes, along with where to find more information:

Setting Region Setting Name Description Where to Get More Details
Synchronization Settings Allow Users to Override Default Saved Search Let users select a different default saved search for tasks and contacts to copy Sales records into Exchange.
Enable Microsoft Application Permission

Note: Don't remove the delegated permissions that already exist from the setup you did in the topic, Set Up the Application in Microsoft Azure. Those permissions are still required for the add-in.

Let sync continue without the user having to re-sign into the add-in, after the user's Microsoft token expires 90 days from last sign-in. You must also grant application permissions to the application registered in Microsoft Azure for this setting to work.
User Notification Frequency for Tokens Expiration Set the frequency for email notifications that ask users to sign-in to the add-in when their Oracle Sales or Microsoft tokens expire. See the topic: Notify Users That Their Sync Stopped Because of Token Expiration
Email Notification From Address Specify the From email address for the email notification sent to users. The default from email address is used when this setting is read-only. See the topic: Notify Users That Their Sync Stopped Because of Token Expiration
Include Attachments in Sync Include attachments when syncing appointments, emails, and tasks to Sales. See the topic: Configure Overall Sync
Conflict Resolution Set the default preference to resolve conflicting records between Sales and Exchange. See the topic: Configure Overall Sync
Attachment Size Limit (in MB) Set maximum size of the attachment, up to 30 MB. See the topic: Configure Overall Sync
Alternate Microsoft Domains Record alternate email domains used across your organization. See: About Users Who Aren't Part of Sales
Appointment Sync Settings Enable Sync This setting enables overall appointment sync. See:
Enable Autocapture Appointments from Exchange Let sync autocreate appointments in Sales for Exchange meetings that have at least one Sales contact. You can also enable additional options in this section. See:
Include Appointments with No Attendees Let Exchange meetings with no attendees be synced to Sales. See:
Include Private Meetings Let private Exchange meetings be synced to Sales. See:
Appointment Sync Limit Set the maximum number of appointments that can be synced between Sales and Exchange. See: Configure Appointment Sync
Enable Bidirectional Sync When enabled, let sync create or update appointments both ways between Sales and Exchange. When disabled, appointments are only synced from Exchange to Sales. See:
Default Appointment Saved Search Records from this appointment saved search are synced from Sales to Exchange. Pick a saved search for the intended roles for the add-in users. N/A
Email Sync Configuration Enable Sync This setting enables overall email sync. See: Configure Email Sync
Autocapture replies to shared emails Autocapture replies to emails that were previously shared with Sales. See: Configure Email Sync
Task Sync Settings Enable Sync This setting enables overall task sync. See: Configure Task Sync
Allow Sync to Create Oracle Sales Tasks Let Exchange tasks with the Shared with Oracle category be created in Sales. See: Configure Task Sync
Allow Sync to Delete Oracle Sales Tasks Let sync delete Sales tasks when the corresponding Exchange task is deleted. See: Configure Task Sync
Default Task Saved Search Records from this task saved search are synced from Sales to Exchange. Pick a saved search for the intended roles for the add-in users. See: Configure Task Sync
Task Sync Limit Set the maximum number of tasks that can be synced between Sales and Exchange. See: Configure Task Sync
Contact Sync Settings Enable Sync Enables sync for contacts in general. See: Configure Contacts Sync
Allow Sync to Create Oracle Sales Contacts Let Exchange contacts with the Shared with Oracle category be created in Sales. See: Configure Contacts Sync
Contacts Saved Search Records from this contact saved search are synced from Sales to Exchange. Pick a saved search for the intended roles for the add-in users. See: Configure Contacts Sync
Contacts Sync Limit Set the maximum number of contacts that can be synced between Sales and Exchange. See: Configure Contacts Sync