Configure Appointment Sync

You can sync appointments between Microsoft Exchange and Oracle Sales, so that salespeople's appointments in Outlook and Sales are always consistent between the two applications.

Note: See Appointment Sync Settings for a list of the sync settings you can configure.

Appointment sync is bidirectional by default. You can modify the behavior using the setting, Enable Bidirectional Sync, When bidirectional sync is enabled, the sync engine syncs appointments between Exchange and Sales.

Here are some points to note about appointment bidirectional sync:

  • All Exchange meetings in the past or future that are shared using the add-in, or that are categorized as Shared with Oracle, are synced to Sales. However, only updates in the future in Exchange to already shared meetings are synced back to Sales.

    Remember that external meetings in Exchange can be synced to Sales, but they'll be read-only in Sales. See Allow Updating of External Appointments for more information.

  • Only future Sales appointments (including already shared ones that have updates) that match the criteria of the saved search specified in the Appointment Sync region on the Sync Configuration page are synced to Exchange and categorized as Shared with Oracle. If an appointment was shared but no longer matches the criteria of the saved search, then any updates to it will not be synced to Exchange. However, the appointment will continue to be categorized as Shared with Oracle.

    Note that any updates synced to Exchange will automatically generate notification emails to invitees regarding the changes to the meeting. If this isn't what you want the application to do, see Disable Bidirectional Sync.

For more information about bidirectional sync, see Bidirectional Sync for Appointments.

Appointments and One-Way Sync

To prevent Outlook from sending automatic emails to the invitees, you can set up one-way sync for appointments, by disabling bidirectional sync. In one-way sync, changes made to shared appointments in Outlook are synced to the Sales application, but changes made in the Sales application aren't synced back to shared appointments in Outlook. You disable bidirectional sync by disabling the Enable Bidirectional Sync setting. See Disable Bidirectional Sync for more information.

Autocapture Appointments and Sync

If the Autocapture Appointments setting is enabled, the sync looks at all the appointments that meet the criteria for autocapture and syncs those from Exchange to Sales. For more information, see Autocapture Appointments.

Share Appointments with Attachments

When an appointment is shared, the associated attachments are also shared, if the Include Attachments in Sync setting is enabled on the sync configuration page.

Attachments in an Outlook appointment have a total maximum limit of 150 MB. If an appointment in Sales has attachments with a total of size of more than 150 MB, sync only shares as many attachments as possible – from the smallest to the largest attachment – to meet the 150 MB. The rest of the attachments aren't synced.
Note: If the attachment is syncd to Sales, then it will follow the Attachment Size Limit on the sync configuration page. This limit is per attachment.

See Configure Overall Sync for more information.