Configure Overall Sync

Configure sync settings that affect all synced objects for the Microsoft 365 Integration for Redwood UX:

  1. Navigate to the Sync Configuration page. See How to Get to the Sync Configuration Page for more information.

  2. Under Synchronization Settings, make changes according to your business needs. See the following table for the meanings of the different settings.
  3. Save your changes.

Overall Sync Settings

This table shows the settings for sync overall:

Setting Meaning Additional Information
Allow Users to Override Default Saved Search Lets users select different workspace saved searches, than the default saved searches set in the task and contact sync settings sections, via the add-in. Records that meet the criteria of the user-selected saved searches are synced from Sales to Exchange. The saved searches that are available are Workspace saved searches.
Enable Microsoft Application Permission Lets sync continue without the user having to re-sign into the add-in, after the users Microsoft token expires 90 days from last sign-in. You must also grant application permissions to the application registered in Microsoft Azure for this setting to work. Note: You must follow the steps in this topic before you enable this setting: Enable Improved Sign-In Experience with Application Permissions
Default Conflict Resolution Specifies which server wins during records conflict.
  • CX Server Wins: The values in Sales automatically overwrite the values in Exchange.
  • Outlook Client Wins: The values in Exchange automatically overwrite the values in Sales.
Include Attachments in Sync Allows attachments to be included when syncing tasks, appointments, and emails from both Sales to Exchange and Exchange to Sales. See the Attachment Size Limit setting for the limit when sharing attachments from Exchange to Sales. If sharing attachments from Sales to Exchange, then the limit depends on the object. See the Sharing Appointments with Attachments section in Configure Appointment Sync and the Sharing Tasks with Attachments section in Configure Task Sync for more information.
Attachment Size Limit Sets the maximum size of attachments shared with Sales from Exchange. The default size limit is 10 MB. The value can be up to 30 MB.