Configure Task Sync

You can synchronize tasks between Exchange and Sales, so that salespeople's tasks in Outlook and Sales are always consistent between the two applications.

Task sync is always bidirectional.


  • When the sync process runs, it looks at all tasks in Exchange that are categorized as Shared with Oracle, and syncs those.
  • The sync process looks at all the tasks in Oracle that match the saved search selected for syncing, and syncs those. The saved search criteria is based on the default set either by the administrator or by the end user, depending on whether you have allowed the users to override the default saved search settings.

Sharing Tasks with Attachments

When a task is shared, the associated attachments are also shared, if the Include Attachments in Sync setting is enabled on the sync configuration page. When this setting is enabled, as an attachment syncs, only attachments under the Attachment Size Limit setting on the sync configuration page are synced.

Attachments in an Outlook task have a total maximum limit of 25 MB. If a task in Oracle has attachments with a total of size of more than 25 MB, sync only shares as many attachments as possible – from the smallest to the largest attachment – to meet the 25 MB limit. The rest of the attachments aren't synced.

See Configure Overall Sync for more information.

Steps to Configure Task Sync

  1. Navigate to the Sync Configuration page. See How to Get to the Sync Configuration Page for more information.

  2. Under Task Sync Configuration, make changes according to your business needs. See the Task Sync Settings table for the meanings of the different settings.
  3. Save and close the page.

Task Sync Settings

This table shows the task sync settings:

Task Sync Settings

Setting Meaning Additional Information
Enable Sync Enables task sync in general. N/A
Allow Sync to Create Oracle Sales Tasks Lets the sync create tasks in the Sales application that were shared from Outlook. N/A
Allow Sync to Delete Oracle Sales Tasks Lets the sync delete tasks in the Sales application that were deleted from Outlook. N/A
Default Task Saved Search Specifies the default saved search for tasks.

Select a Workspace saved search accessible by all the intended roles for the add in users. Tasks won't be shared from Oracle to Exchange for users who can't access the Workspace saved search.

The saved searches that are available are Workspace saved searches. Note that users can override the default saved search in the add-in (if you have enabled the Allow Users to Override Default Saved Search option. See Configure Overall Sync for more information.
Task Sync Limit Enter the number of records to be synced in every run of the sync process. The combination of tasks, appointments, and contacts upper sync limit can only be a maximum of 5000 records.