Disable Bidirectional Sync

If you're using Outlook as the primary calendar and no appointments are being modified in the Sales calendar, then you might want to disable bidirectional sync. When you use this option, the Outlook calendar changes are only synced to Sales from Exchange, but not from Sales to Exchange.

In one-way sync, changes made to shared appointments in Outlook are synced to the Sales application, but changes made in the Sales application aren't synced back to appointments in Outlook.

Additional Impacts of This Setup

Here are additional impacts of disabling bidirectional sync for appointments:

  • You don't need to configure a saved search to sync appointments in Sales with Exchange, since appointments in Sales aren't synced to Exchange.

  • Conflict resolution will be reset to Client Wins.

Steps to Disable Bidirectional Sync

Here's how you disable bidirectional sync:

  1. Navigate to the Configure Sync Settings page. See How to Get to the Sync Configuration Page for more information.

  2. Under the Appointment Sync Configuration region, unset the Enable Bidirectional Sync option.

  3. Save and close the page.

Note: If an appointment contains a custom field, only the first instance of the appointment is synced with the Sales application. For custom or supplied fields that are marked as required and that don't have a field mapping, use object workflows or a defaulting mechanism to supply a placeholder value.