How do I auto generate contact numbers?

You can automatically generate contact numbers that begin from a certain number.

For example, you may have loaded legacy contact numbers with existing contact numbers. You determine the maximum contact number. You can then specify that any contact that is newly created will be an increment of this maximum account number.

You must first set Contact Number Generation profile option (HZ_GENERATE_CUSTOMER_NUMBER) to Auto numbering, update not allowed. You then specify that the contact numbers must be increments of the initial value, say, 32,100.

The initial value will take effect on newly created accounts.

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Click the Tasks menu and click Search. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values task and open it.
  3. Search for the Party Number Generation profile option using the profile code HZ_GENERATE_CONTACT_NUMBER.
  4. Set the value to Auto numbering, update not allowed at the site level.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area.
  7. Click the Tasks menu and click Search. Search for Manage Document Sequences.
  8. Expand the CONTACT_NUMBER row and type the initial value. For example, you can type 32100.
  9. Click Save and Close.