Can I view orchestration steps from my lead and opportunity guidance panels?

Yes. Each orchestration step that requires you to take an action appears at the top of the Guidance panel for opportunity and lead overview pages. Note that the Guidance panel gets displayed only if there's an active orchestration running on the specific lead or opportunity records that you're viewing.

From the Guidance panel, you can:
  • Take any recommended actions
  • Navigate to areas based on the guidance
  • Autocomplete steps
  • Skip steps or manually complete steps
  • Get a snapshot of the objectives status in the current stage
  • Access the Orchestration Subview from where you can:
    • View all objectives grouped by Stages
    • View a dynamic list of actionable steps for the Complete Sales Lifecycle Cycle

For more information, see How Salespeople Interact with Orchestrations in the How do I get started with Orchestration? solution playbook on the Oracle Help Center Sales > Playbooks page.