How do I configure real-time and near real-time access for access group object records?

Using profile options, you can implement real-time and near real-time processing for objects secured using access groups.

These options let you:

  • Enable real-time processing of object records secured using access groups, so that when new object records are created, the records are immediately accessible on the UI to the creator of the object record.

    Real-time processing is supported for all access group objects.

  • Enable near real-time processing for objects, so that when object records are created or updated, the new records are accessible in near real-time to all users who have the privileges to view them.

    Near real-time processing is supported for these objects:

    • Account

    • Activity

    • Campaign

    • Contact

    • Custom objects

    • Deal Registration

    • HR Help Desk Request

    • Internal Service Request

    • MDF Budget

    • MDF Claim

    • MDF Request

    • Lead

    • Opportunity

    • Partner

    • Program Enrollments

    • Service Request

The real-time processing options are enabled by default. However, to enable near real-time processing of object records, there are some extra steps for you to perform.

Configure Real-Time Processing of Object Records

Two profile options control the real-time processing of object records that are secured using access groups:

  • Real-Time Transaction Tracking Enabled (ORA_ZCA_TRANSACTION_TRACKING_ENABLED)

  • Real-Time Transaction Tracking for Access Groups Enabled (ORA_ZCA_ACCESS_GROUPS_TRACKING_ENABLED)

Both of these profile options are enabled by default at the site level so that real-time processing is enabled for all users. In general, you won't need to change the default values for these profile options, but you can disable real-time processing for all users at the site level, or for individual users at the user level, if necessary.

For example, you might want to disable real-time processing for a specific user who needs to import bulk data into the application. In cases like this, disable both profile options for the user using these steps:

  1. From Setup and Maintenance, navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. Search for the profile option name, for example, Real-Time Transaction Tracking Enabled.

  3. In the Profile Values section, select New from the Actions menu.

  4. In the Profile Level field, select User.

  5. In the User Name field, search for and select a user, then click OK.

  6. In the Profile Value field, select No.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Repeat steps 2 - 7 for the Real-Time Transaction Tracking for Access Groups Enabled profile option.

Configure Near Real-Time Processing of Object Records

You can access records that are secured using access groups in near real-time, for objects that support near real-time processing. New object records are immediately available on the UI, without needing to run the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing scheduled process, in these circumstances:

  • When a new object record is created, when a user is added to or removed from the team associated with an object, or when the owner of an object record is changed

  • When an object record is updated, when a user gets access to an object record through a hybrid rule, or when an access extension rule provides a user with access to an object related to the supported object

Note: Near real-time processing isn't supported for object records that are created or updated because of territory assignment processing. To see these types of changes on the UI, you must run the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing process.

To implement near real-time processing for supported objects, both of these profile options need to be enabled:

  • Near Real-Time Transaction Tracking for Access Groups Enabled (ORA_ZCA_ACCESS_GROUPS_NEAR_REAL-TIME_TRACKING_ENABLED)

    This option is enabled at the site level by default.

  • Common CRM Signals Active (ORA_ZCA_ENABLE_SIGNALS).

    This option is disabled by default.

Enable the Common CRM Signals option to implement near real-time access for object records:

  1. From Setup and Maintenance, navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. Search for the profile option name, Common CRM Signals Active.

  3. In the Profile Values section, select the Site profile level, then change the default value of the Profile Value field to Yes.

  4. Click Save and Close.