How can I create rules to automatically provision job roles to sales users?

Before you create sales users, review the predefined role provisioning rules used to automatically assign job and abstract roles to users, and create any additional rules you need.

For example, you might want to create a new resource role and rule to provision a custom job role you've created.

Oracle provides a role provisioning rule for each of the standard resource roles included with the application. But, you must create role provisioning rules for any new resource roles you create.

The provisioning rules use the resource role that you assign to each sales user as the trigger condition for provisioning job roles.

For all internal sales users, including sales administrators, map the Resource abstract role in addition to the required job roles in the provisioning rule. The Resource abstract role lets users access the Resource Directory. Don't add the Resource abstract role for partner roles.

Note: The role provisioning rules Oracle provides are created automatically when you set up your company information using the Create Company Information quick setup task. If you didn't use the Create Company Information quick setup task, then you must create all of these role-provisioning rules manually.

Review Existing and Create New Provisioning Rules

Use these steps to review existing provisioning rules, and to create new rules:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Users and Security
    • Task: Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules
  2. On the Manage Role Mappings page, to review existing rules:
    1. Search for a role mapping using one of the search fields. For example, to determine if a provisioning rule exists for a resource role, in the Resource Role field, enter the name of a resource role.
    2. Click Search.

      If a role provisioning rule exists for the resource role (either a predefined rule or a rule you created), it's displayed in the Search Results area.

    3. To view or edit a provisioning rule, select the rule from the Search Results area.
    4. In the Edit Role Mapping page, review the details for the rule.
  3. To create a new provisioning rule, on the Manage Role Mappings page, click Create.
  4. In the Create Role Mapping page, in the Mapping Name field, enter a name that identifies the mapping. For example, if you're creating a rule to provision a resource role you created called Digital Sales Manager, enter Digital Sales Manager for the mapping name too.
  5. In the Conditions region, enter the conditions shown in this table:

    Values to Enter in the Conditions Region

    Field Entry
    Resource Role Select the resource role you want to provision. For example, select Digital Sales Manager.
    HR Assignment Status Select Active. This additional condition ensures that the provisioned roles are automatically removed if the user is terminated in Global Human Resources.
  6. In the Associated Roles region, click Add to add the job roles you want to provision.

    For the Digital Sales Manager, for example, you might add the Sales Manager job role.

    For internal sales users, add the Resource abstract role. Don't add this role for partner roles.

  7. For each role you've added, select one or more of the role provisioning options shown in this table:

    Role Provisioning Options

    Role Provisioning Option Description
    Requestable Qualifying users can provision the role to other users.
    Self-Requestable Qualifying users can request the role for themselves.
    Autoprovision Qualifying users get the role automatically.

    Qualifying users are users who satisfy the rule conditions.

    Note: Autoprovision is selected by default. Remember to deselect it if you don't want auto-provisioning.
  8. Click Save and Close.
  9. After creating or editing role mappings, run the scheduled process, Autoprovision Roles for All Users. This process compares all current user role assignments with all current role mappings and creates appropriate auto-provisioning requests.