How do I export logs for the Microsoft 365 for Oracle Sales Redwood UX add-in?

Use the steps outlined in this topic to export logs for the Microsoft 365 Integration for Oracle Sales Redwood User Experience (hereafter called Microsoft 365 for Redwood UX) add-in. These logs help the support team troubleshoot issues.

Before you start exporting the logs, open your Outlook mailbox in a web browser. See Get Started with the Add-In for more information.

Exporting Microsoft 365 for Redwood UX Logs

  1. Start monitoring the logs by navigating to Menu > Settings > General and clicking Start Monitoring.
  2. Click Search and find the Contact that requires the logs for troubleshooting. Here we search for Microsoft Viva contact and select it.
  3. Stop monitoring the logs by navigating to Menu > Settings > General and clicking Stop Monitoring.
  4. Select Export Logs and save the logs on your device.

You can now share these logs with the support team.