How can I create a list of all prospect accounts and their contacts?

You can create a list of all your prospects and their contacts in the Reports and Analytics work area using the Sales - CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area.

To create a list of all accounts, select the Name attributes from the Customer and Contact folders. To filter out just the prospect accounts, open the Customer folder, and add the filter: Account Type - Organization is equal to Prospect.

Here are the steps to create the analysis using the wizard:

  1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area. (Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics).
  2. Click Create > Analysis.
  3. Search for and select the Sales - CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area.
  4. Click Next.

    The Create Analysis wizard appears.

  5. In the Select Columns step, Subject Areas pane, expand the Sales - CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area.
  6. Expand the Customer folder.
  7. Scroll down to find the Name attribute and move it to the Selected Columns list.
  8. In the Subject Areas pane, expand the Contact folder.
  9. Scroll down to find the Name attribute and move it to the Selected Columns list.
  10. Click Next.
  11. In the Select Views step (Step 2), enter a name for your analysis, for example: List of Prospects and Their Contacts.
  12. In the Table list, select Table (recommended) to display your list as table.
  13. Select the Preview option.

    The table of your accounts and contacts appears.

  14. On the list of the Wizard steps, click the Sort and Select step (Step 5).
  15. Click Add Filter > More Columns on the left-hand side.
  16. Open the Customer folder and select Account Type - Organization.
  17. Click OK.
  18. In the filter Operator field, select is equal to / is in.
  19. In the Value field, enter Prospect (exact capitalization is important).
  20. Click Submit.
  21. Enter a name for the analysis and select the folder where you want to save it in the catalog.

Here's a screenshot showing the analysis criteria as they appear in the catalog.

The Criteria tab of the sample analysis in the catalog. The selected columns include the Customer Name and Contact Name. The filter is Account Type - Organization is equal to /is in Prospect