How can I get a list of all the personal saved searches created by end-users in Sales?

You can create a BI report with the following SQL query to get the list. You can use the information about the personal searches salespeople create, to create additional saved searches for the sales organization.

This query lists all the custom saved searches created by the users:

 select ss.saved_search_uuid,stl.localized_name, stl.language,ee.entity_name, ss.creation_date, ss.created_by, ss.keywords, ss.query_json,ss.aggregations_json,ss.sort_json,ss.fields_json from fusion.zca_es_saved_searches_b ss, fusion.zca_es_saved_searches_tl stl, fusion.zca_es_entities ee where ss.created_by <>'SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION' and stl.saved_search_uuid=ss.saved_search_uuid and ss.entity_uuid=ee.entity_uuid