How can I use Microsoft Teams for social networking?

Use Microsoft Teams to let your salespeople collaborate across a range of internal teams, external partners, or suppliers.

Microsoft Teams as Fusion Applications Social Network Solution

The solution supports the following features:

  • Ability to create teams and associated conversations in Microsoft Teams for an Oracle Fusion business object, all from within the Oracle Fusion user interface
  • Ability to view conversations stored in channels, within Oracle Fusion, without needing to use the Microsoft Teams client.
  • Ability to view conversations that support text, images, emojis and links to attachments.
  • Ability to view conversations in Oracle Fusion without being a member of the team. If you have access to the object in Oracle Fusion then you're able to view the conversation.
  • Ability to navigate to the specific conversation in Microsoft Teams. When this is done, you're automatically added to the team and receive Microsoft Teams notifications.
  • Oracle Fusion users can be added to conversations without needing an Oracle Fusion Applications account.
  • Support for 13 objects in Oracle Fusion.
  • Support for change events for five Oracle Fusion objects. When an object is changed in Oracle Fusion, a message is added to the conversation in Microsoft Teams and the header card is updated.
  • Extensible architecture, ready to support new objects and change events or add custom functionality, like, for example, auditing data to a custom database of your choice.
  • Conversation data is stored only in Microsoft Teams

See this Customer Connect post for more information: Oracle Fusion Applications Social Network Integration - Integrating Oracle Fusion and Microsoft Teams Sample Code Introduction.