How do I change the way the person's name is displayed in the home page welcome greeting?

You can change the name format in the welcome greeting by using the Manage Person Name Formats task in the Setup and Maintenance Work area. By default, the greeting displays the first name followed by the prefix and the last name. You can change it to any format. For example, you can display last name followed by the first name, the prefix and the last name only, or just address the person with the first name.

You can create your own formats, two for each country:
  • A local format is suitable for users in a single legislation who prefer to see person names in the character set appropriate to their legislation.
  • A global format is suitable for users in a multinational enterprise who prefer to see person names in a single (typically, Western) character set, so that all names, regardless of origin, have the same representation.
See the following topics for details: