How do I check which copy maps are used during lead conversion?

Copy maps are a declarative way to specify which fields are copied among objects. The functionality for converting a lead to an opportunity uses the predefined Copy Lead To Opportunity Map copy map feature. You can use predefined mapping files to specify which copy maps to use when converting leads.

For example, predefined mapping files are available as part of your sales application to enable you to map objects and attributes during the creation of an account or a contact when converting a lead to an opportunity. Specify the copy map name you want in one of these profile options:
  • Use the Direct Lead to Opportunity Mapping profile option to specify the copy mapping file name created when a direct lead is converted to an opportunity.
  • Use the Partner Lead to Opportunity Mapping profile option to specify the copy mapping file name created when a partner lead is converted to an opportunity.
  • Use the Lead to Account Mapping profile option to specify the mapping file name created in Copy Maps. This file maps objects and attributes during the creation of an account when converting a lead to an opportunity.
  • Use the Lead to Contact Mapping profile option to specify the mapping file name created in Copy Maps. This file maps objects and attributes during the creation of a contact when converting a lead to an opportunity.
Here's how to access the profile options to see what copy map is being used:
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Sales Lead Profile Options

  2. In the Manage Sales Lead Profile Options page, enter the name of one of the mapping profile options you want in the Profile Display Name field. For example, search for the Direct Lead to Opportunity Mapping profile option.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the Profile Values section, you can see the name of the mapping file used when the lead is converted to an opportunity.

  5. Click Close.