How do I make custom dynamic choice fields (DCLs) visible in analytics?

You add custom dynamic choice list fields (DCLs) to custom subject areas. Here's how.

  1. Navigate to Application Composer.

  2. Click Custom Subject Areas on the Overview page of Application Composer.

  3. Select Create from the Actions menu.

  4. In Define Custom Subject Area, provide the name for your subject area and select the primary object. Display labels have the Custom: prefix added automatically.

  5. In Select Child Objects, add the child object.

  6. In Configure Fields, add the DCL as follows:
    1. Click Select Fields.
    2. In the Select Fields window, select the Related Object option and select the object with the DCL.
    3. Move the DCL field from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields column.
  7. Optionally, in Configure Dates, select one or more date columns for date leveling.

    Date leveling lets you add calendar attributes to your analytics, which provide better context to your transaction data.

    You can also select one date field to be the canonical date for the custom subject area. Do this if you want to create analytics that can drill up and down the date hierarchy.

  8. In Configure Security, select the required security level for the Everyone Role Name, which is added by default. You can add additional role names by clicking in the + icon and define the security level for each one of them.

    The security definition here only controls who can access the custom subject area definition to create reports. It doesn't control data visibility which is automatically controlled based on the user running the reports.

  9. In Review and Submit, review the custom subject area configuration for all added objects, attributes, and measures and click Submit.

    After you submit, the custom subject area is published and made available within Oracle BI Composer. After you save or submit a custom subject area, you can't modify its primary object.