How do I set the time limit to keep indexing updated records in Adaptive Search?

You can set a duration to keep indexing updated records for your objects in Adaptive Search by editing the Index Records Updated in the Last parameter from the Configure Adaptive Search task. The duration you select is based on a record's last update date and you can also choose to set no time limits.

You can only choose to change current and default advanced parameter values if you've the required privileges for your business objects. You must have a custom role with the ZCA_ADAPTIVE_SEARCH_EDIT_PARAMS_PRIV privilege to view and access the Advanced setup parameters of Adaptive Search.

Here's how to edit the Index Records Updated in the Last parameter for your business objects.

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Configure Adaptive Search

  3. On the Configure Adaptive Search page, click the Setup > Advanced tab.

  4. In the Find Objects field, search for the object you want, for example, Opportunity as shown in the following sample screenshot.Screenshot showing where to specify the duration to keep indexing records in Adaptive Search
  5. From the Index Records Updated in the Last drop-down list, select the duration that you want to keep indexing records in Adaptive Search. You can select from the following:
    • No limit
    • 1 Year
    • 2 Years
    • 5 Years
    • 3 Months
    • 6 Months

    The variations in the time it takes for the successful completion of the publish process is mainly due to the volume of data, the number of objects enabled, and the number of attributes selected for each object. See the topic Why is my Adaptive Search publish process taking time to complete? for more information about the performance impact of setting no duration limit.

  6. Click Save and this will trigger a full publish.

  7. Verify your changes after the full publish completes.