How do I reactivate a deleted resource?

You may want to reactivate a resource or activate a deleted resource by changing the end date.

Typically, a resource is end-dated when they have ended their primary work relationship with their employer or when they moved to another organization. To end date a resource, set a past date to "To Date" of that resource in the Resource Directory.
For example, a resource works in a company for 4 years in sales and for next 2 years they are moved to a sales role. You may want to track this resource as a separate resource. While auditing the reporting hierarchy or resources, we will clearly know that this resource is a non-sales resource for 2 years. You can end date the resource when they move to a non-sales organization. During the period when a resource is not a sales resource, they can't work on CX transactions. When the resource moves back to sales, you can reactivate the resource by removing the end date. Note that if we simply remove the end date on an existing end-dated resource, we cannot explain why this resource assigned any transactions during the 2 year period. Remove the To Date from the resource which will make it currently effective or reactivate it.
  1. Navigate to Resource Directory.
  2. Click View Resources in the Tasks region.
  3. Search for a resource name using the Resource Name and Effective As-of Date field. The effective date is a date between the start date and end date of the resource.
  4. Select the resource and click Edit.
  5. Remove the To Date.
  6. Click Save and Close.

You can now add the resource to a resource organization and also resource role, if needed.