How do I import resource data?

You can use import management to create or update resource records.

To import resource records, perform the following tasks:

  1. Map your source data to Oracle Applications Cloud object attributes.

  2. Create source Comma Separated Values (CSV) file for import.

  3. Create the import activity.

  4. Review the import results.

How You Map Your Source Data to Object Attributes

To import your resource data into Oracle Applications Cloud, you must populate a .csv file with your source data and map that source data to target object attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud.

You need to do the following before creating the CSV file for data import:

  • Identify how your source data attributes map to the target object attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud.

  • Ensure prerequisite setups are done, if applicable.

  • Understand your options for uniquely identifying the records.

  • Ensure parent records exist before importing child records.

  • Identify the target object attributes that are required in the CSV file for a successful import.

Before You Start

You must do some basic checks before starting your import. For example:

  • Complete all the prerequisites for importing each attribute in your source data.

  • Have all parent records in place before importing child records.

  • Use the Manage Business Unit task to set up appropriate business units.

  • Use the Manage Legal Entity task to set up appropriate legal entities .

  • Use the Manage Resource Roles task to define resource roles. Sales Administrator role is required to load the resource data.

Select a Unique Identifier for Your Records

To import data into Oracle Applications Cloud, your CSV file must include some specific attributes that enable the import process to uniquely identify the records. The file import process uses the attribute values to automatically map your source data to the target object attributes in Oracle Applications Cloud.

The preferred option to uniquely identify an object record is through the public unique identifier. If you're creating new records, then you can provide a user-friendly public unique identifier (Party Number). If you update a record for which you have previously provided a Number attribute, or for which a Number attribute is visible in the object's UI, you can use the Number attribute to identify the record. For the resource object, the attribute is ResourcePartyNumber.

Required Attributes and Validations for the Resource Object

To import data successfully into Oracle Applications Cloud, your CSV file must include the required attributes. Ensure that you provide valid values for the attributes. When you create a new resource, associated employee records are also created. For more information about creating resources for existing employee records, see the topic "Example of Adding Resource Profile to Existing Employees". The following table lists the required attributes for importing new resource records, required attributes for updating resource records, prerequisite setup tasks for the attributes, and specific validations, if any, for resource import:



Prerequisite Setup Task/ Import Validations

Creating a Resource Record

Updating an Existing Resource Record


The first name of the resource.

No validation


Pass the party number as the key.


The last name of the resource.

No validation


Pass the party number as the key.


The name of the business unit associated with the resource.

It should be a valid existing value.


Not updatable


The name of the legal entity associated with the resource.

It should be a valid existing value.


Not updatable


The public unique identifier (PUID) of the resource party.

This is also known as Registry Id.

This should be unique.

Conditionally required

This is auto-generated. However, you can provide a value to replace the auto-generated value when creating the resource record.



The email address of the resource

The email address must be unique. Specify the email Id when creating the resource.


Pass the party number as the key.


The code that represents the resource role assigned to the resource.

A resource can have only one individual role code assigned for a given date range. You define and review resource role types and codes using the Manage Resource Roles task.

Conditionally required

A value is required when creating a standalone resource.

Pass the party number as the key.


The user account name of the resource used to login to the application.

The user name has to be unique.


Not Updatable


The code indicating the role of the resource in association with organization membership. For example, SALES_REPRESENTATIVE, SALES_MANAGER, and so on.

One organization membership role is allowed for a given date range.

Conditionally required

A value is required when creating a resource as a part of the resource hierarchy.

Pass the party number as the key.


The work phone number of the resource

No validation




The work phone country code of the resource

Enter a value when you specify the RawWorkPhoneNumber.

Note: When providing a value for the RawWorkPhoneNumber, ensure that you also provide a value for the WorkPhoneCountryCode. If you don't enter a valid WorkPhoneCountryCode, the format of the RawWorkPhoneNumber will be inaccurate.

Conditionally required

A value is required when you provide the RawWorkPhoneNumber.

Conditionally required

A value is required when you provide the RawWorkPhoneNumber.


The mobile phone number of the resource

No validation




The mobile phone country code of the resource

Enter a value when you specify the RawMobilePhoneNumber.

Conditionally required

A value is required when you provide the RawMobilePhoneNumber.

Conditionally required

A value is required when you provide the RawMobilePhoneNumber.


The fax number of the resource

No validation




The fax country code of the resource

Enter a value when you specify the RawFaxNumber.

Conditionally required

A value is required when you provide the RawFaxNumber.

Conditionally required

A value is required when you provide the RawFaxNumber.

You can view the resource object and attributes in the Manage Import Objects page of the Import Management flow. You can find attribute information like type, length, description, and so on, on this page.

The following role codes are now available in Import Management.

  • ResourceOrgRoleCode - Specifies the role that the resource plays as part of the hierarchy in the organization.

  • IndividualRoleCode - Specifies the role assigned to the individual resources. You can also assign additional roles to the resource in the hierarchy to provide additional privileges to the resource.

You should not use a Resource Users import in Import Management or REST on an environment with full blown HCM Services implementation. In such cases, Import Management or REST must be used only to convert existing HR workers as resources. This is because, Resource Users REST API only supports vary basic attributes of the HR person/worker. It doesn't support Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) custom attributes defined on HR Person/Worker.

Note: Note the following:
Note: Move all reporting resources and child organizations to a different organization, when the organization membership of the current manager is ended either due to the movement of the manager to a different organization or the termination of the manager.

Create the Source CSV File

You include the data that you want to import into Sales and Fusion Service in a source CSV file.

You can use the templates available in the Import Objects UI page to create the source CSV file. To download a template:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. Select the Resource object in the table and click Download.

You can now edit the downloaded file and provide valid values for the required attributes.

Note: For help in populating the CSV file and to avoid any issues in entering values, see the topic Potential Issues When Opening CSV Files With Excel in Related Topics section.

Create the Import Activity

After you have the CSV file ready, create an import activity to import the information. To create an import activity:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click Create Import Activity in the Manage Imports page.

  3. In the Enter Import Options page, provide a name for the import activity, and select Resource from the Object drop-down list.

  4. Select the CSV file in the File Name field, and click Next.

  5. The source and target attributes are automatically mapped in the Map Fields page. Review and edit the mappings if required.

  6. Check the file for unmapped columns or data format issues by clicking Validate Data. Click Next.

  7. Review the import details on the Review and Submit page, and click Submit when you're ready.

Review the Import Results

Check if your import succeeded on the Manage Imports page. This page shows the status of all active, completed, and unsuccessful imports. To check the status of the import activity:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Queue.

  2. Click All Imports and search for the import activity that you created earlier.

  3. Check the Status column for the import activity. The import is successful if the status displays as Completed. You can drill down on the import activity to go to the Import Status page which provides the status details of the import activity.

You must run the following scheduled processes after creating or updating a resource:

  1. Reporting Hierarchy Generation: This job updates the reporting hierarchy in accordance with the changes in internal resource hierarchy. The resource's reporting manager isn't updated unless you run this scheduled process. Run this scheduled process after you make any changes to the hierarchy such as changing the manager or the organization.

    For more information about the Reporting Hierarchy Generation scheduled process, see the section "Reporting Hierarchy Generation" in the Understanding Scheduled Processes guide.

  2. Update Person Search Keywords: The After Batch Load parameter should be set to Y before you run the update person search keywords schedule process. If you run this scheduled process, you can search the person in the Manage Users UI. The application searches for keyword values in these attributes of a person's records such as person name, user name, primary email, primary phone, work location, and so on. Run this scheduled process when you create a new resource.

    For more information about updating person search keywords, see the section "How You Update Person Search Keywords" in the Oracle Talent Management Cloud Implementing Talent Management Base guide.

  3. Send Pending LDAP Requests: This job processes the pending LDAP requests to provision the user accounts and roles. You can specify the parameters User Type and Batch Size with this job. You must specify User Type (usually select All); if you leave it as blank, then this process won't process any requests. If you don't set Batch Size, the default will be A for automatic, which is 1/10th of the total requests number. You can specify a number for batch size to instruct the process to group that number of requests together for single batch process. If you want the process to pick up the FAULTED requests from previous run, you can set Batch Size as AF. Run this scheduled process when you create a new resource along with the user account.

  4. Synchronize User GUID: This job synchronizes the user GUID of users including employees and contingent workers.

    For more information about the Synchronize User GUID scheduled process, see the section "Synchronize User GUID" in the Understanding Scheduled Processes guide.