How do I generate the resource reporting hierarchy?

You can use this scheduled process to generate the resource reporting hierarchy for a given internal resource organization hierarchy, a sales, or a marketing organization hierarchy. This scheduled process also updates the reporting hierarchy when changes occur in the organization hierarchy.

You can run this scheduled process when new resources are created in Import Management using Resource User.

When to Use

This scheduled process:

  • Updates the reporting hierarchy in accordance to the changes in internal resource or partner organization hierarchy. This scheduled process updates the reporting hierarchy in accordance with the changes in internal resource hierarchy. The resource's reporting manager isn't updated unless you run this scheduled process.

  • Must be run after you make any changes to the hierarchy such as changing the manager or the organization.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privilege or roles:

  • Roles:

    • Application Implementation Consultant

    • Master Data Management Application Administrator

  • Privilege:

    • Run Trading Community Resource Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • You can run this scheduled process when new resources are created in Import Management using Resource User.

    • You can run this scheduled process when the same resource is visible multiple times in Team Members tab of Opportunity.

    • You can run this scheduled process as needed or at appropriate intervals, such as daily.

  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process is self-incompatible. If multiple instances are submitted, the first instance runs and subsequent instances remain in blocked status until the first instance is completed.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Tree Structure Code


Specifies the type of resource hierarchy.



This parameter is List of Values driven.

Selecting RESOURCE_ORG_TREE_STRUCTURE builds the internal resource hierarchy.

Selecting PARTNER_ORG_TREE_STRUCTURE builds the corresponding partner tree.

Tree Code


Specifies the tree code.



This parameter is List of Values driven.

Select 'GLOBAL_SALES_MARKETING' for internal resource hierarchy.

Select corresponding tree code for Partner Hierarchy.

Tree Version ID


Specifies the version ID of the Tree.



This parameter is List of Values driven.

Select corresponding Tree Version ID for the hierarchy that must be re-generated.