What is the process to bring Supplier information into Oracle Sales Cloud?

You can schedule the Synchronize Financials Accounts and Contacts with CX Sales process to synchronize Oracle Financials Cloud accounts with CX Cloud. Here's how you can go about it:

  1. Create or import supplier records in Oracle Financials Cloud:

    • Create Records: Use the appropriate user interface in Oracle Financials Cloud to create new supplier records. This involves entering necessary supplier details such as supplier name, address, and other relevant information.
    • Import Records: If you have supplier data in an external system, you can import these records into Oracle Financials Cloud using the import functionality.
  2. Use the Manage Suppliers UI within Oracle Financials Cloud to find, create, or update supplier records as needed.

  3. Running the Synchronize Financials Accounts and Contacts with CX Sales synchronization process:

    This process ensures that sales representatives in Oracle CX Cloud have access to up-to-date supplier information, which can be crucial for sales and procurement processes.

    • Trigger Sync: Once supplier records are created or updated in Financials Cloud, you can manually trigger or schedule the synchronization process to transfer these records to CX Cloud.
    • Regular Intervals: For ongoing updates, the synchronization process can be scheduled to run at regular intervals, ensuring continuous data consistency between Financials Cloud and CX Cloud.

By following these steps, supplier information is accurately reflected in both Oracle Financials Cloud and Oracle CX Cloud, facilitating better communication and data consistency across your organization's departments.