What are the different statuses of a scheduled process?

After you submit a scheduled process, it can go through many statuses until it reaches a final state.

This table explains the statuses you might see. The Action Required column tells you if something can be done for the process:

  • No (in progress): The process was submitted and hasn't reached a final state yet. But you or administrators don't need to do anything to move the process along.

  • Yes: You or administrators need to do something to get the process to another status.

  • No (final): The process has reached a final state, and nothing else can be done.



Action Required?


At least one other running process is incompatible with and currently blocking your process. The situation will be automatically fixed.

No (in progress)


The process was canceled, and you can't restart it.

No (final)


The process is currently moving to the Canceled status.

No (in progress)


The main part of the process completed, and postprocessing (such as sending notifications and generating output) has started.

No (in progress)


The process finished running and ended with errors.

No (final)

Error Auto-Retry

The process ended with errors but will automatically run again.

No (in progress)

Error Manual Recovery

The process ended with errors and requires an administrator to move the process to a final state.



The process didn't run and its schedule already ended. You can't restart it, but you can resubmit with the same parameters or submit a new process.

No (final)


The process ran based on a schedule, and it's either a process set or a process that causes other processes to automatically run. Either way, all processes involved are done running.

No (final)


The process is put on hold and needs someone to release it before it can continue running.



The process is paused so that another process that was automatically kicked off can run first.

No (in progress)

Pending Validation

Some validations, for example related to security, are performed on the process before it runs.

No (in progress)


The process passed validation and is about to start running.

No (in progress)


The process resulted in an error but will try again. It will automatically rerun at the time you see in the Scheduled Time column on the Scheduled Processes Overview page. The number of retries depends on how the job is set up. After all the retries, if the process still can't run successfully, it will end with the Error status.

No (in progress)


The main part of the process is currently running.

No (in progress)

Schedule Ended

The last submission in a schedule has happened for a process that's either a process set or a process that causes other processes to automatically run. Either way, all processes involved have started running, but might not be done yet.

No (in progress)


The process successfully completed.

No (final)

Validation Failed

The process failed validation.

No (final)


The process passed validation but isn't running yet.

No (in progress)


The process finished running and ended with a warning, for example, that a notification wasn't sent.

No (final)