What privileges do I need to run Contract Terms Deliverable Notification processes?

Contract deliverables establish and track both contractual and noncontractual commitments that must be honored as part of negotiations and contractual agreements between businesses and suppliers or customers based on contract intent.

You can send automatic notifications:
  • Before the due date of the deliverable
  • When one of the parties changes the status of the deliverable
  • When a deliverable is overdue
  • When a deliverable must be escalated after the due date
For notifications to appear, the following processes must be running:
  • Send Contract Terms Deliverable Due Date Notifications
  • Send Contract Terms Deliverable Escalation Notifications
  • Send Contract Terms Deliverable Overdue Notifications
Note: You must have the OKC_DELIVERABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_PROCESS_PRIV (Send Contract Fulfillment Notification) privilege to run these processes.

You must also have the required roles to run the schedules processes. Use the Scheduled Processes work area to run all the processes you've access to and to manage submissions. If you need access to this work area, ask your security administrator to assign you a role that gives you access, for example a custom role with the Manage Scheduled Processes (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_PROCESSES_PRIV) privilege.

Note: Oracle recommends that security administrators don't assign the required privileges to predefined roles directly to users. Instead, make a copy of a predefined role, remove the privileges that your users don't need, and assign users the role that contains only the privileges they need.