Why aren't Microsoft Outlook emails syncing to CX?

You might not have added permissions to the users in Microsoft Azure and in Oracle Sales.

With delegated permissions, when your users' Microsoft token expires (90 days from last sign-in in the add-in), the sync fails with error until the users re-sign into the add-in.

If you want sync to continue seamlessly without your users needing to sign-in to the add-in every 90 days, then you can add application permissions for the APIs required for the integration to the application registered in Microsoft Azure.

After you give the extra application permissions to the application in Microsoft Azure, the standard sync scheduled process uses the permissions to sign in. The add-in, meanwhile, continues to use the existing delegated permissions.

Note: Only administrators can enable the application permissions.

After you give the extra application permissions, your users need to sign in to the add-in just once and then they don’t need to open the add-in again.

Add and Enable Application Permissions

To add and enable the application permissions for the add-in:

  1. Add the application permissions in Microsoft Azure for the application you created for the Oracle Microsoft 365 add-in.
  2. Enable application permissions in the Sales application.
  3. Notify your users to sign into the add-in once.

Add Application Permissions in Microsoft Azure

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Azure.
  2. Open the application you registered for the Oracle Microsoft 365 add-in.
  3. Go to the API Permissions tab and click Add a permission.
  4. Select APIs my organization uses.
  5. Search for Office and select Office 365 Exchange Online.
  6. Click Application Permissions and add the permissions shown in this table:
    Permission Option to Select
    Calendars Calendars.ReadWrite.All
    Contacts Contacts.ReadWrite
    Mail Mail.ReadWrite
    Mailbox Settings MailboxSettings.ReadWrite
    Tasks Tasks.ReadWrite
    User User.Read.All
  7. Click Add Permissions.

  8. On the API permissions page, select Grant admin consent for each permission you added to consent on behalf of users.

Enable Application Permissions in the Sales Application

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Microsoft 365 task:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Integrations
    • Task: Manage Microsoft 365
  2. In Synchronization Settings, enable the Enable Microsoft Application Permission option.
  3. Click Save and Close.