FAQs for Sales Competitors

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Sales Competitors

This section contains some frequently asked questions (FAQs) for sales competitors. Scroll or search to find answers to common questions.

How can I see the opportunities that I lost to a competitor?

Look at the competitor record details. It includes a consolidated view of past and current opportunities where the competitor is at play. It gives you important details so that you can plan future sales strategies.

How can I see the win/loss distribution on competitors?

Use competitor analysis graphs to see why opportunities were won or lost. You can also analyze the reasons for losing or winning against specific competitors. As a sales manager, you can use this analysis to improve your overall deal success rates and revenues.

For more information, see the Creating and Administering Analytics guide.

How can I see win/loss trends against selected competitors?

Take a look at the Win Loss Trends report. It displays opportunity revenue won by your organization against competitors. The report shows the number of wins and losses and closed-won opportunity revenue by quarter and by competitor.

The report can also show overall opportunity won revenue and number of wins and losses regardless of whether there was a competitor on the opportunity. For more information, see the Creating and Administering Analytics guide.

How can I get more information about a competitor?

Take a look at the list of your colleagues on the Internal Experts tab. The list contains experts who know something about the competitor.

What's SWOT?

SWOT stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The SWOT attribute in the Competitors feature of your sales application gives organizations a way to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a competitor.