FAQs for Opportunity Assignment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Opportunity Assignment

This section contains some frequently asked questions (FAQs) for opportunity assignment. Scroll or search to find answers to common questions.

How are territories assigned to opportunities?

You can't explicitly add territories to an opportunity. Rather, the assignment engine automatically assigns territories to opportunity product lines by matching the dimensional attributes of product lines to territory dimensions, such as Customer Size or Industry.

When the assignment engine assigns territories to opportunity product lines, the territory owner is also copied to the opportunity team.

Profile options set by the administrator determine the following:

  • Whether, when a territory is assigned to an opportunity product line, all territory team members are also copied to the opportunity team, in addition to the territory owner.

  • Whether the assign opportunity action is available from within an opportunity for salespeople to run assignment.

  • Whether the application runs assignment when salespeople save an opportunity.

Note: With partner integration, partner territories (territories whose sales channel dimension is equal to Partner) aren't assigned to product lines. Partner organizations can only be associated with an opportunity manually, or they can be automatically associated through an approved lead registration.

How do I assign team members automatically to an opportunity?

While editing an opportunity, from the Actions menu, select Save and Run Assignment.

You must have Full access to the opportunity to see the Save and Run Assignment action.

Tip: You can view assigned territories and the associated territory team members on the opportunity team in the opportunity Team pages.

Why can't I assign an opportunity?

You must have Full permission on an opportunity to see the Save and Run Assignment action.

Note that a profile option determines whether the assignment action is available in opportunities.

What's lock assignment?

The Lock assignment check box is automatically selected when you run a manual assignment from the UI. Lock assignment prevents a salesperson from being automatically removed from an opportunity through the assignment engine.

Only users with Full access on the opportunity can select or deselect the Lock Assignment check box for sales team members. Resources are assigned automatically to an opportunity during an automatic assignment process or through a groovy script.

When the lock assignment is selected, an automatic territory assignment can't remove any sales account team resources or team members. If the lock assignment is deselected, team members may be replaced if they no longer match the assignment rules.
Note: The Lock Assignment check box is not available by default and must be added to the Team subtab within the Edit Opportunity page using Application Composer. See the next section for more information.

Extending Pages for Opportunities Using Application Composer

  1. In a sandbox, navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.

  2. In the object tree, select Opportunity > Pages > Application Pages.

  3. Go to the Create Opportunity page and duplicate the standard layout.

  4. Edit the layout.

  5. In the Configure Detail Form region of the Opportunity Create page, move the Lock Assignment field from the Available Fields to the Selected Fields list.

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.

What's deal protection?

With the deal protection feature, all salespeople are automatically protected from being removed from a product line for which they're receiving sales credit, or from the opportunity team, when territory realignment happens.

Deal protection applies to sales resources that get automatically assigned to product lines as credit recipients or to the opportunity team using territory-based assignment.

A profile option set by the administrator specifies the default number of days for which salespeople are protected. An opportunity team member with Full access level can override the dates for which the protection is active.